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An Unexpected Something New

You’re in love with her.

CH 10

Hannah snapped her head around and looked at me with as shocked a face as her drunkenness would allow. “What did you just ask me?”

“Come on Han. You heard what I asked you.” The fact that her mouth was still agape and she couldn’t immediately blurt out ‘No! No way!’ made my stomach tighten.

She shook her head and turned to look out the window. She paused for a minute before opening her mouth to speak. “I…I can’t believe you are actually asking me…after all this time.” She shook her head and let it drop. “If I still loved him…if I ever loved him the way I was supposed to I’d be more upset, don’t you think? I’d have wanted to physically be with him, feel him…” she trailed off without looking at me.

I kept my eyes on her and waited for her to turn around. I could see through her reflection in the window that she still had tears running down her cheeks and her silence was driving me crazy.

“Hannah, why can’t you just answer the question? Simple yes or no.”

She let out a sarcastic laugh and shook her head. “You just don’t get it do…” she didn’t finish her thought as she started heaving and franticly searched for the door handle. She stuck the top half of her body out the door and puked up a good amount of the alcohol she’d consumed earlier in the evening.

I leaned over and rubbed her back and she hung out the door and breathed heavily. “I’m going to take you home now Han. Okay?”

She quietly nodded her head and sniffled back her tears as she composed herself and got in the car, leaning the seat back a little so she could get comfortable. “I’m sorry.” She was clearly upset and embarrassed, though her pain went beyond that.

I didn’t say anything back to her; rather I rested my hand on her leg. When I looked over her eyes were closed and she was in obvious discomfort. I turned and focused my eyes back on the road and was prepared to drive back without discussing anything else with her further, however I couldn’t hide my surprise when I felt her hand rest on mine and maneuver it until our fingers were interlaced. I smiled to myself the entire rest of the way to her house.

Hannah wasn’t in much of state of mind to do much when I parked so I walked over to her side of the car, helped her out and picked her up and over my shoulder so that I could get her inside. Her keys were hanging out of her purse so it wasn’t difficult for me to open the door with her in my arms and her glorious ass next to my face. As I pushed the front door open I readjusted her so that she was still securely over my shoulder and couldn’t help giving her ass a little rub.

When I got to her room I leaned over her bed and gently rested her on her back. The way we were positioned was so close that I was on top of her on her bed…something I’d wanted for a while, just not this way. I lingered a little longer than I should have, with her laying in-between my arms and just as I was about to pull away and stand up I felt Hannah run her fingers up my arms and softly grab me right above my elbows indicating she wanted me to stay.

“Hannah…” I didn’t know what she was going to do next but I didn’t want her to do something she’d regret when she sobered up.

“Shhh.” She traced her hand up my one arm and down my chest until she grabbed a chunk of my shirt in her hand. I could feel her breathing heavily as she pulled me down by my shirt and lifted her head to meet me at her level. My sober lips met her drunken ones and didn’t care one for one second that she didn’t taste as fresh as she had the previous night.

I gave in and let my weight press against her on the bed as I felt her hands continue to caress my arms, neck, face. The harder she kissed me the more I pressed back. When she wrapped her legs around mine I couldn’t help grinding into her in this simulated sex romp we were engaging in. I kissed down her neck and I felt my cock awaken as it continued to press into her longing crotch. I let out a moan as I lifted my head and threw it back, enjoying the act we were wrapped up in but quickly felt her fingers lace around my neck and pull me back down to her lips. Her hands swiftly lifted my shirt up over my head and as she threw it on the ground she reached for the button on my jeans.

As she undid it, along with my zipper, my heart jumped and I almost pulled away from her. “No,” she panted as she pulled me close and delicately slid her hand underneath the elastic of my boxers and onto my cock. “You,” she breathed in my ear. “You.”

The feeling of her trembling fingers on my erect shaft was amazing, more amazing than the feeling of any other woman I’d previously experienced. She slid down further and toyed with my balls before trailing back up and springing my dick from the confines of my pants. Her strokes were arousing me to the point of no return. I couldn’t stop her now if I wanted to. I knew she was drunk and I never should have let what was happening even start but she wasn’t that drunk anymore. She clearly wanted this and I wasn’t going to disappoint her. Besides, I wanted it just as badly as she did. I hadn’t busted a load in a long time. I rolled next to her and lied on my side as she continued her ministrations on my cock. I was so fucking aroused I wanted to make her feel as good as she was making me feel. I undid her jeans, pulled them down and slid my hand under her panties and into her wet slit. She let out a gasp as my fingers met her clit and as a result began to stroke me with more determination.

I wanted so badly to slip off her clothes and shove myself inside her but I knew that would be wrong. I knew she would hate me and herself for it but this…this felt so right. Watching her eyes roll in back of her head, feeling her squirm was such a fucking turn on it was making me leak more pre cum from my shaft and into her hand as lube. I pushed one then fingers up inside her tight pussy and imagined how good it would feel around my dick. She moaned louder and I went back to focusing on her moist clit. She pressed back against my hand, wanting everything I was giving to her, and screamed out in delight indicating she’d reached orgasm. Knowing I brought her to that point, feeling her juices on my hand, her bucking beneath me, and her fingers rubbing my cock was so good I came in her hand all over the two of us.

I lied beside her as both our chests rose and fell due to heavy breathing. My heart was still racing from the most incredible hand job I’d ever received in my life but now that we were coming back down from the sexual high we were on I wasn’t sure if I’d made the right decision. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips before resting my head back on the bed. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. “Hannah…” her name fell from my lips as I brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

She turned and looked at me with a smile as she nuzzled her face into my hand. “Mmmm, yeah,” she moaned in response.

“Are you okay? Was that….okay?”

“It was…perfect.” She breathed out with a content smile. “What about…was it…” she motioned down to my cock with her eyes as she stuttered unsure of how to ask if she pleased me.

“I’ve never felt anything like how I feel when you touch me Han,” I said before she had to finish asking. I hoped she knew how much I meant that—and not just sexually.

A grin spread across her face, “Really?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you.” I caressed her cheek again and fought the urge to take it any further.

“Sid…I…I’d ask you to stay but, well, I’m really dizzy and tired and you have a game tomorrow…”

“I know. I know.” I didn’t want to leave and I kind of wanted her to ask anyway but I wanted her to sleep on it, on everything. “You don’t have to walk me to the door. I don’t want to have to worry about you making it back to your bedroom.”

She leaned over and kissed me, long and meaningful, before pulling away. “Thank you for looking out for me.”

“Always Han. Always.”

I went to turn around but her voice pulled me back. “Wait.”

I turned to look back waiting to hear what she had to say. “Sid, I wanted it just as much as you did. Please don’t think anything different. I just need you to understand I haven’t…let that happen with many other guys. At all. One, aside from Derek.”

I walked back over, leaned down and kissed her before I stood up and went into her bathroom to clean off. Two guys? Two. She could be with any guy in the world and she only let two close to her. I couldn’t get over it. When I went back into her bedroom she was already asleep and on her way to a nice hangover the following morning. I walked over and looked at her sleeping for a moment. She was so beautiful and I was completely enchanted by her. I leaned down and kissed her one last time on the forehead before making my way out of her home and back to my place.

I didn’t know what to make of Hannah and I. I knew what I wanted and how damn good it felt to have her touch me like she did but I couldn’t know how she felt without her telling me. I couldn’t know what she wanted without her telling me. I had an idea, or perhaps just a fantasy, but I just had to go off what I knew; what I had learned about her in the time we’d spent together. I knew she wasn’t a whore and she wasn’t an easy girl. She wouldn’t let just any guy into her pants and she made that evidently clear. We were going somewhere if we weren’t there already and I was buckling up for the ride. I would go anywhere for her.

I threw my keys down on the table and went into the kitchen to heat up something to eat. I wasn’t ready to go to sleep yet, not after the night I’d had. I threw some pasta in the microwave and poured myself a glass of water. As I waited for it to finish heating I heard a knock on my door.

I wrinkled my brow seriously unsure of who to expect at this hour. Unless it was Hannah coming back for round two I didn’t want to see anyone. I made my way over to my front door and to my surprise saw the one person I would never have expected to see in a million years staring back at me.

“Hey Crosby.” Derek didn’t look good. His hair was a mess, he wasn’t clean-shaven and it was clear he hadn’t been having an easy go of it.

“Wow. Dude. What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?” I didn’t know what to make of him standing in front if me. I could only hope he didn’t smell his ex fiancé seeping from my pores. “You don’t look so good.”

“I don’t know. We’re in town for the game and everything and I figured I’d stop by. I haven’t talk to you in a while and you made the effort to come to the wedding and I guess I wanted to apologize for making you drive all the way up there for nothing.”

I wanted to thank him for it. I wanted to tell him it was the best accident I’d ever had because I never would have met Hannah the way I did, I never would have gotten to know how incredible she was. And as Derek took a seat on my couch to talk about the woman he’d left at the alter, the one I’d just had my fingers in less than an hour earlier, I became angry. I was angry that he’d do that to her because she was so amazing and such a good girl, I couldn’t understand how he could live with himself for hurting her like he did.

“Man,” he rubbed his face in his hands then ran them through his hair. “I really fucked up.”

“What do you mean?” I asked as I closed the door and slowly walked over towards the couch to take a seat by him.

“Not showing up that day. It eats at me every single day.” I could hear the pain in his voice. He clearly wasn’t as fine with standing her up as he led her to believe, or perhaps even led himself to believe. “She’s in Pittsburgh now, Hannah. Her parents live here. She’s so close but so far. It’s driving me insane being here knowing that she’s in the same town as I am.”

“Oh?” I didn’t know what else to say. I just wanted to listen to his sorry ass excuses first. “You seem rather distraught for someone who left their fiancée at their own wedding without showing up.” I didn’t mean to sound as harsh as I cam across, but I was on her side.

“You think I’m proud of that?” he looked at me completely serious.

“I don’t know. I really don’t see what you could say—what your reason for it could be. You left her at the alter, it doesn’t matter why.”

“Can I at least try to explain why? Can I tell you what was going through my brain when I did what I did to her?”

“I don’t see how it could be good enough to justify what you did, but sure. I’m actually very curious to hear it.”

He took a deep breath. “I loved Hannah, Crosby. I did. In fact, I still love her. She’s just a warm, genuine, gorgeous person inside and out.” This wasn’t stuff I hadn’t already figured out but it made me uncomfortable hearing him say it. “I was the luckiest son of a bitch alive to have her waiting for me after each game, after each road trip when we’d come back…” Now my heart was beginning to hurt. “she was the perfect girl; any guy would want to be with her.” I figured that out already as well. “We were together for years…and this may come as a shock but, she never had sex with me.” I didn’t show it outwardly, but I smiled to myself. Somehow, him confirming he never had all of her made me care for her more.

“Oh yeah?” It was all I could muster up. I didn’t want to lie but I didn’t want to tell him I’d gotten more than her side of the story.

“Yeah. I wanted to…my God I wanted her, and I tried. Lord knows I did. The problem was that she was a virgin when we met and she didn’t want to give it up. No matter what I did she wouldn’t compromise anything. Yeah she kept me satisfied and just the fact that she is who she is was enough for me not to need to look at another girl. I told her I had no problem waiting until we were married and I had every intention of keeping that promise…”

Uh oh. This was about to get interesting.

He looked down at the ground and shook his head before resting it in his hands. “About six months before the wedding—the end of last season—we were in LA. A bunch of us went out after the game for drinks and I didn’t think anything of it. I swear Crosby I had no intention of picking up anyone. I certainly wasn’t looking, but somehow trouble found me anyway. I was minding my own business when this girl came up to me. She was your typical LA fake blonde bimbo, but I was a couple bud’s for the worst at this point and found myself enjoying the attention she was pouring on me. It felt nice to be flattered by someone who had her sex on display and didn’t hide the fact that sex was what she wanted. I sat there and let her flirt with me, let her touch me as she flaunted her fake tits and before I knew what I was doing my hand was creeping up her thigh, under her skirt and into her pussy. She moaned like a whore and leaned into my ear. Do you know what she said to me?”

I shook my head no with disgust as he looked at me hopeful that I could answer his question and relieve his conscious.

“She told me to take her up to her hotel room and fuck her.”

I swallowed and nodded my head, egging him to continue.

“I let her take my hand and lead me to her room. We didn’t exchange words; we just went to her room, stripped and fucked. I hadn’t had sex in such a long time I couldn’t find the strength to say no when it presented itself. I fucked her one more time to get it all out of my system, got dressed and went back to my room. I laid there that night…I just laid there and stared at the ceiling in disbelief that I did what I’d done. I was so fucking ashamed. I never thought about cheating on Hannah and I loved her so damn much that I’d never considered it before…”

“Did you tell her?”

He looked so guilty as he answered my question. “No.” He shook his head. “I thought about it. But it was a one-night thing. I didn’t want to throw away the relationship I’d been in for years with the girl I planned on marrying because of one night of weakness. I just needed to have sex, man. I would have waited for Hannah…but…”

“But you’re an asshole.” I cut him off.

He never even tried to defend himself he just kept venting. “I never told anyone what I’d done. Not a soul. Every time I looked at Hannah though…it just wouldn’t leave my mind. As our wedding got closer I thought about it more; I thought about it every single time I’d look at her. I realized that if I was able to consider cheating on Hannah then perhaps I didn’t love her the way I thought I did. And then the wedding inched even closer and I kept thinking that I actually went through with fucking this other girl…I mean, you don’t love the person you’re with if you are able to fuck someone else, right?”

I shook my head. “No, I guess not. Though some guys will disagree just to have their cake and eat it too.”

“I couldn’t stand up there and make vows to her, promise to swear off other women when I’d already broken that vow. I couldn’t commit to a lifetime when I’d already screwed up the time leading up to it.”

“So why didn’t you just tell her, why didn’t you just tell her the truth and break up with her nobly?”

“Because I’m selfish Crosby. I wanted her, I wanted to have done what I did and still have Hannah. I thought I could push the horrible things I thought out of my mind and when I woke up the morning of the wedding I realized she deserved better than me.”

That was the first thing he’d said that I actually agreed with. She did deserve better than him. Me.

“I…I think you’re right about that.”

“There’s only one problem with my theory, Crosby.”

“What’s that?”

“After the wedding, after I’d left her, I was so embarrassed and so cold to her…then the more time passed I realized how wrong I was. Leaving her at the alter was the biggest mistake of my life because whether I liked it or not, I still loved her.”

I swallowed nervously. “And now?”

“Now I’m in the same city as her and she won’t talk to me let alone see me. I’ve called her, I’ve tried, but she won’t have it. You have no idea how hard it is for me to be so close to her and unable to get to her. I don’t even know where she’s living.”

“Have you told anyone else everything you just told me?”

He looked at me for a few seconds before solemnly responding, “No. I’ve been too embarrassed. I just…I needed to get it off my chest. I couldn’t live with myself any longer not telling someone.”

“So why did you pick me to tell?” I looked at him suspiciously.

“I don’t know. You don’t live in Buffalo. You were at the wedding but you aren’t someone I see everyday that can shame me. You’re my friend, but you aren’t my neighbor.”

The more he talked the more I realized my need to protect her, but I wasn’t going to be like Derek. I was going to do what he wasn’t man enough to do—tell the truth.

“Derek, man, look. I need to tell you something.” He looked at me as I now had his full attention. “I know Hannah lives in Pittsburgh…and the reason I know that is because her and I have become friends.” That was truth…we weren’t officially anything more, hell I barely knew what we were, but friends was always the word she threw around.

“You…you’ve been hanging out together and shit?” His voice elevated as he looked at me with disbelief. “Of course. Figures. How could you do this to me? So you let me ramble on and tell you everything so you can go back and tell her?”

“No. That wasn’t my intention,” I interrupted. “I never expected you to show up at my door, but you don’t honestly already know that every single person who showed up at that wedding doesn’t want to know why you left her there? Before I even met her I heard nothing but wonderful things about her and now that I have gotten to know her…” I trailed off trying to find a delicate way to finish my sentence.

“You’re in love with her.” Derek didn’t ask and he didn’t demand. It was a simple sentence; a simple statement and it shook me to my core. I’d never said those words to her, I don’t think I even allowed myself to think them but now that they were there, right in the open there was no fighting it. I couldn’t deny it any longer.

I looked at Derek and swallowed nervously as I slowly nodded my head coming to the realization myself. “Yeah, I am.” I’d already known I just suppressed it due to fear of rejection but now that I admitted it there was no turning back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey!! Thank you so much for reading! I bet you didn't expect Derek to show up...but he and Sid are friends and he clearly needed to talk.

I've been really busy and I have every intention of thanking you individually for commenting on the story, but I want you to know that I really do appreciate it. I love your feedback, it keeps me motivated.

Let me know what you think of this chapter, and where you think it's going now that Derek is back and totally regretting what he did to Hannah.