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An Unexpected Something New

Sid you need to understand that it’s just as hard for me.

I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t pounding a little faster than usual when we left Hannah’s parents. She had my hand tightly interlaced with hers as we walked to her car. There was no way that we could drive to her place together, if that was even what she wanted, and when she leaned against her car and into me I held my breath waiting to hear what she had to say.

“You’re going to come to my place now right? Or are you going home?”

“Yeah,” I nodded and showed more enthusiasm than I probably should have. “As long as you want me over I’ll follow you back.”

“Okay, good,” she smiled up at me and I swear it took my breath away. “So I’ll see you in like twenty minutes.”

“I can’t wait.” It was more than true. I wanted to be alone with her and really make up. I wouldn’t push her of course but I planned on pleasing her as long as she’d let me.

Hannah reached up and kissed me as she moaned into my mouth. “I’ve really missed you,” she panted and I could tell by the way she pressed her body against mine that she was just as horny as I was. I immediately felt my cock jump but tried to keep my composure, as we still had to drive separately to her house.

As I followed her back to her place my mind raced the entire ride there. As much as I wanted to kiss her all over and run my hands up and down her body I wasn’t sure that was the right thing to do. The whole reason we were even in this mess was because of me and my greedy libido. I didn’t want her to think I expected her to do something she wasn’t ready for, or that I’d ever push her again. My sole priority was Hannah knowing I loved her and that my love for her was based on trust and respect.

When we walked through the door I suddenly realized that I wasn’t sure how to act around her. She took her coat off and placed it over the back of her living room chair before turning to me and wrapping her arms around my neck. This wasn’t the type of hug that was meant to lead to something more, it was a genuine embrace that told me she trusted me by the way she fell into me. “I really missed you,” she whispered with her head leaning against my shoulder. “The guy that showed up here drunk and demanding sex the other night, that isn’t the guy I know or fell in love with.”

“I know.” I still felt extreme pangs of guilt whenever I thought about how terrible I was that night. I was lucky she forgave me because I certainly didn’t deserve it. “I’m never going to be that guy again.” I held her to me tighter realizing just how close I’d come to actually losing her.

She pulled her head off my shoulder and cocked it back to look me in the eyes. “You better not,” her tone was playful but very serious. “I won’t put up with it.”

I swallowed nervously with chills running up and down my spine because I knew she meant that. “Don’t worry. I’m not stupid enough to let you get away.”

“You sure about that?” I could see the sincerity and slight insecurity in her eyes as she looked up at me with her big baby blues. I couldn’t speak as she still had this uncanny ability to take my breath away. Instead I slowly closed the small gap between us and pressed my lips to hers. Our kiss started rather innocent but quickly grew more heated as I tried to relay through that kiss how much I cared for her.

Before things could get carried away I pulled away and looked at her. “You still have to ask?”

Hannah shook her head no and a gorgeous smile spread across her face. Without hesitation she reached back up and pressed her lips against mine picking up right where we had left off. I felt her tongue against mine and her hands begin to sneak up under my shirt. The feeling of her fingers on my bare abdomen was making it harder for me to keep my cool and when she lifted my shirt up over my head and tossed it on the ground I had to push her back.

“What?” she asked in a daze. “Why are you pushing me away?”

I nervously paced in front of her wanting nothing more than to do to her what she just did to me and then some. “Hannah, I don’t want things to get out of hand…” I ran my hand through my hair and rubbed the back of my neck.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean after what I did to you the other night…I don’t want to push anything. I want you to know I respect your boundaries and I won’t pressure you into anything you aren’t ready for. I love you too much.”

“Sid,” she grabbed for my hand and got me to stop my ridiculous pacing. “Come here,” she said reassuringly. “Look at me.”

I looked at her with my ashamed eyes when she put her hand on my cheek and forced me to. “Hey, I don’t want you to treat me like some fragile girl you barely know. You know that isn’t me.” I nodded my head and felt her take both of my hands in hers as they hung at our sides. “What happened the other night…Sid, yeah it was really hard for me and it hurt us but we already established it wasn’t you. You weren’t the one who forced himself on me in my bed that night, it was some twisted messed up version of you. I didn’t like that guy, but I love the one standing in front of me right now.” She reached up and sealed the deal with a sweet peck on my lips which managed to calm me down.

“Come with me.” She released one of my hands and held on to the other as she led me into her bedroom. My body wasn’t my own in that moment and I couldn’t help but do anything she would have commanded. She pushed me back against the bed and crawled in next to me caressing my shirtless chest. “I love you,” she looked up into my eyes from my side as she had her head resting on the pillow and the side of her face nudged into my shoulder.

“I love you too,” I leaned over and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

“I know it’s been hard for you. I’m not stupid. I know that you want sex and have it thrown at you everywhere you go. I try not to let that get to me but I’d by lying if I said it doesn’t.” I turned over on my side as she cuddled into me even more engaging in this suddenly very serious conversation.

“Yeah it’s hard Han but it’s worth it for me. I didn’t mean the stuff I said to you when I was drunk. I want to make love to you because I’m in love with you. That’s the only thing that makes it so hard. I’d wait for you for as long as you needed me to though, like I’ve told you I’ll wait til we get married. I don’t care because I know in the end it’ll be so worth it, so special.”

“Sid you need to understand that it’s just as hard for me. I’ve told you that from the beginning. With you the rules have changed a bit.” She paused for a second to figure out how to say what was on her chest and I could feel her breathing rapidly increase due to nerves. She took my hand in hers and brought both hers and mine up to my chest as our fingers lightly caressed each other. “I’ve told you many times that it’s so hard for me to not just give in to you. I have never wanted anyone the way I want you. I never felt this way about Derek. I’ve never loved someone the way I love you. I don’t know how it happened but I’ve determined that my relationship with Derek was the best thing that could have happened because it led me to you…and I’d go through the humiliation all over again to end up with you like this.”

I didn’t think I could love her anymore than I already did but when she said those words I felt my throat tighten and my stomach erupt with butterflies. “Wow,” I sighed unable to mask my happiness. “I love you. I don’t know how I got so lucky. My life was vapid and empty before you came along. I almost didn’t go to the wedding too. I never expected that the girl who captivated me on the back of the wedding program that day would be the girl I’d end up with on the back of my own wedding program.”

“So do you understand now that it isn’t just you who is finding it hard not having sex? I want to be with you so bad Sid. I want to make love to you.” A playful smile spread across her face. “I mean, don’t you know who you are?”

I took a deep breath and smiled back at her. “Okay, I know I was a rotten jerk. You don’t have to keep repeating that, I get your point. I was totally wrong. I really hope you can forgive me for that.”

Hannah leaned in and kissed me quickly as a precious giggle escaped from her lips. “Well, I wouldn’t say you’re completely out of the doghouse, but you and I, we’re okay.”

My heart was racing as I laid there looking at her. I was still absorbing the way she told me about her feelings for me; about the way she was longing to make love. “Hannah, I never knew that it was possible to feel this way about someone.”

“I know what you mean…Can I ask you something?”


“Can you please stop being afraid of touching me now. What you did the other night doesn’t make you who you are and certainly doesn’t define our relationship. It isn’t like we’ve never pushed the boundaries…and I know that you respect me. I remember the night I got drunk, which is like the only time you’ll ever see that side of me. And I distinctly remember throwing myself at you and you saying no. I know you love me and I know you wouldn’t take advantage of me.”


“Really,” she said with a smile. Hannah looked so happy, like she’d completely put her trust in me and I was determined to never let her down again. She wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me on top of her as she crashed her lips into mine. I quickly landed my hands on her waist and found a comfortable position in between her legs, which she had spread for me to mount in between. I hungrily maneuvered her shirt up over her head and kissed down her neck to her amazing cleavage. I pushed her boobs even closer together and squeezed them in my hands, all the while checking her reactions that she was comfortable with what I did. When I glanced up and saw her eyes closed and her mouth open I knew she and I were on the same page.

I grinded my hips into hers and felt my cock awaken as she groaned into me. I couldn’t resist sliding my hands around her back to unclasp her bra. When she arched her back and gave me the room to get back there I couldn’t get the nuisance fabric off fast enough. Her large tits sprang free and I immediately clamped my mouth over her nipple while tweaking the other with my fingers. I flicked at it and sucked on it relishing in how good it felt to be in this moment with her.

I alternated between her breasts, pushed them together and licked at the same time before I finally started making a trail down her abdomen with my tongue. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off as I looked at her on the bed with nothing on but her flimsy thong. Hannah sat up and perched herself on her knees in front of me. She pressed her naked chest to mine and leaned in to kiss and nibble at my neck while she ran her hand down my stomach and began to undo my pants. She slipped her hand in my boxers and stroked my rock hard dick before pulling it out and pushing my pants down. Her touches were so fucking hot I could have exploded right there but I instead pushed her on her back and spread her legs, kissing the inside of each of her thighs as I removed her little thong. I didn’t want to get too out of hand so I figured if my tongue was in her pussy there was no way my dick could be there at the same time. However, she put a damper to my plans when she closed her legs and pushed me back. “No,” she panted as she pulled me up to her. “As good as you are at that I don’t want it. Kiss me,” she demanded as she pressed her lips to mine and began stroking my cock next to her. I wanted so badly to position it against her hole and push it inside her but I kept my composure and slid my fingers in her moist and ready pussy. She gasped when I made contact with her clit and threw her head back giving me the opportunity to kiss at her neck and suck on her nipples. She was so lost in what my hands were doing to her that she didn’t have the ability to stroke me. I shoved two fingers inside her and again had to physically restrain myself from replacing it with my dick as her pussy was so wet and tight it was nearly impossible to refuse.

Hannah cried out as she came all over my hand. I could feel her body trembling as I brought her over the edge and didn’t stop until she couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up and hungrily pushed me down on my back taking my erect dick in her hand. “You have no idea how much I want to make love you,” she moaned out, still on a high from her orgasm. Hearing her say those words and looking at her naked, sweaty body holding onto my shaft was torturous. She kissed my stomach and ran the tip of her tongue around the head of my cock before leaning in and taking it all in her mouth. I couldn’t help the dirty words that escaped from my lips as she sucked and licked my dick.

What she did to me no other woman had ever been capable of doing before. It was so different with Hannah; I felt the deep found love and desire for her, which was something I’d never had before. I was overwhelmed with the love I had for her and couldn’t help but think that if I felt this way feeling her suck me off, making love for her would supercede everything. It wouldn’t just be a release. It wouldn’t just be sex. It would be something I was unfamiliar with. I wasn’t a virgin like she was, but I’d be entering into unchartered waters as well.

My breath hitched in my throat as my stomach tightened and I exploded into her mouth. I couldn’t mask the whimpers of pleasure that she elicited from me and I was sure she liked it that way. Hannah sucked until I couldn’t take it anymore then kissed the tip of my dick before looking at me with a pleased expression on her face. “How was that?”

“You have to ask?”

“I just like knowing that you’re satisfied.” She laid down next to me and curled up into my side.

“Believe me,” I inhaled deeply as I still had to catch my breath. “You don’t have to ever question that. I have a question though, and it doesn’t change anything I just…I kinda need to know.”

“What’s that baby?”

“Han…did you finish off Derek the way you finish me off?” I hated that I was asking but part of me needed to know. I couldn’t help but question it in my mind and it was going to drive me crazy until I knew.

“You mean…did I swallow?” I could tell she was embarrassed talking about it by the way her cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

“Yeah. That’s basically what I mean. Like I said it doesn’t change the way I look at you or feel about you…I just need to know. Did you?”

Hannah inhaled and gulped before slowly shaking her head. “No Sid. I never did.”

I don’t know why but I suddenly found myself relieved. “You didn’t? Really? Why not? Why then with me?”

Hannah shrugged and nuzzled tighter into me. “I don’t know…I wasn’t ever comfortable enough to do that with him. With you…I don’t Sid. I told you I never felt for Derek the way I feel for you. I love you and I want to please you, it’s just this desire inside of me I have that I can’t help but want to please you. I didn’t have that love or desire to please him. I didn’t have that trust or level of security with him.”

I kissed her quickly on the forehead and closed my eyes as I laid there with her, our naked bodies tangled up in each other, and found myself perfectly content and at peace as I drifted off into sleep.


Things between Hannah and I were always serious and we both knew that, but if it was possible they were now more serious. Earning her love and trust back after what I’d done to her was something I knew I didn’t deserve and was lucky to have. I never met someone like her, someone so genuine and real. She was the epitome of a good girl. She pulled no punches and kept me in line. She had boundaries and I couldn’t help but respect and admire her for them. Hannah was the girl I was meant to spend the rest of my life with and her innocence and sincerity made me want to protect her.

I took every opportunity to show her that I was truly remorseful for my actions this way she would never have to question it. We had about ten days home in a row with no traveling or road games. We had practice almost every morning with some games sprinkled in and every morning I stopped at her house to drop off a coffee or single rose or breakfast…just because. I never tried to stay, I just dropped off her morning surprise on my way to the arena to show her I was thinking about her, kissed her and left. I had to admit it was getting harder and harder to leave, whether it was late at night or after a five minute visit. It made my heart swell with pride when I thought about the sporadic nights she’d let me stay over. She had opened up to me so much since we first met and slowly but surely let her guards down.

“What do you want to drink? I’ll get it for you.” We were at the club with Jordan and Kris for drinks and while Hannah stuck to two jolly ranchers and lots of water, I couldn’t say the same for my friends. Kris was drunk and Jordan wasn’t far behind him. I knew how drunk Kris could be so I was hoping he would keep it under control. I sat with my arm around Hannah sipping on my jack and coke watching Kris smash his body with other drunken females. The place was packed and after a while he disappeared into the sea of bodies.

“You know what’s weird,” I leaned over and said into Hannah’s ear over the loud music.

“What’s that?”

“Kris is being Kris…but Jordan. He’s not been himself lately. He’s usually very friendly with the ladies and I haven’t seen him make any new friends lately if you know what I mean.”

Hannah laughed and shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe he’s growing up.”

“I don’t know. Something’s up. I just don’t know what it is or why he hasn’t told me.”

“How about you stop worrying about Jordan and dance with me,” she said seductively and waited for my response.

I immediately stood up, took her by the hand and led her to the where everyone else was dancing. It was foreplay at its finest as she grinded her ass into my crotch. She lifted her arm up and put her hand on the back of my head pulling me even closer to her where I leaned in to lick and suck on her neck. Hannah’s other hand was interlaced with mine on her hips. She turned her head and met my lips beginning a hot make out session in the middle of the dance floor. I dug my fingers into her hips longing to fuck her just like this, right here. She knew how to get me hot and bothered and at this point I just wanted to leave so we could go back to her place and fool around. I spun Hannah around and looked her in the eyes. “You’re asking for trouble you know,” I teased before crashing my lips onto hers again and pressing my hard cock into her thigh.

When I pulled away I saw Kris looking at us from across the room which I hadn’t noticed before. I didn’t think anything of it as I led Hannah back to our table and took our seats since we were planning on leaving in mere minutes.

“Hey,” I spun around to see Kris was right behind us.

“Hey, you’re back already?” I asked him as I protectively put my arm around Hannah’s shoulders and gave her far one a squeeze.

“Yeah. You two are done?”

“What do you mean?”

“Dancing. You and Hannah, you’re back here alone.”

“Well,” I looked at Hannah then back at Kris. “We actually were going to head out soon.”

“You’re leaving?” Jordan made his way back over and looked back and forth between me and Hannah.

“Yeah we wanna get out of here.”

“It’s still early Crosby. Don’t head out yet,” Kris slurred.

“I guess we can stay for one more round.” I looked down at Hannah frustrated that we couldn't get out of there. “What do you want baby, I’ll go get drinks.”

“While he does that how about you dance with me,” Kris looked at Hannah with a sly smirk.

Hannah looked at me and then back at Kris. “Sure.” She stood up and glanced at me for approval before Kris took her by the hand and led her out to the dance floor. I wasn’t exactly comfortable with it but I trusted Hannah. I didn’t know how much I trusted an inebriated Kris but I didn’t want to be that guy so I begrudgingly went to get our drinks. When I got back to the table I realized that I couldn’t see Kris and Hannah and I didn’t know where he had led her. Without her in my sight I wasn’t comfortable and after waiting a minute or so something told me to go look for her.

I pushed my way through the crowd until I got to the far side of the room where I saw Kris holding Hannah to him. I felt a surge of anger when I looked at Hannah and saw the tears running down her face. My heart was in my throat as I practically ran to them and shoved Kris off of Hannah. “What the fuck did you do to her?” I screamed as I wrapped my arms around her and she clung to me. I could feel the wetness from her tears soak through my shirt as I looked at Kris with daggers in my eyes ready to lunge at him and rip his throat out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well Sid and Hannah seem to be progressing in their relationship, huh? They seem to really love each other. Do you think Hannah let SId off the hook too soon? It certainly is getting harder for them to control themselves.
What about Kris...what do you think he did or said to Hannah? And how do you think Sid is going to handle it?

Thanks again for reading. It means a lot that you read faithfully and leave such wonderful comments. Please keep it up. You guys are the best.
I hope you like it...let me know :)