Status: I don't know what's really going on here... so updates will come whenever :P

This Is Just a Story of a Broken Soul

Livings a Wicked Dream Where Things Turn Out all Wrong

I knelt over with my hands on my knees; sweat poured from my body as I gasped for air. I listened to hear any oncoming footsteps. I heard nothing, luckily. I lent against the wall, still panting and slid down to the cold concrete floor. I ran my hand shakily through my sweaty hair.
I jumped as a huge bang echoed, it sounded like a gunshot. I suddenly realised it was thunder as a fat drop of rain splattered on my arm, I laughed quietly to myself in relief. Within seconds, I was soaked to the skin. Shivering, I stood up and got ready to get back to base.
When I got through the front door, I was 'greeted' by Matt, Where the hell have you been?” he snapped angrily.
“I was chased by the cops, I managed to get away though” I replied shiftily, looking at the floor. I really didn't want to piss Matt off.
“You've got to be more careful, I'll see to it that you are more careful later” he snarled.
“Sorry...” I stammered quietly. He nodded angrily and pulled me by my arm into his office.
“Where's your money?” Matt demanded.
I squeezed my hand into the pocket of my skinny jeans and pulled out a handful of damp bills.
He quickly counted them and frowned, “Only 700?” he asked angrily. I flinched and nodded. “What the hell Jimmy? You had at least a thousands worth” he said, throwing me an evil glance. I knew he must have been mad because he usually called me Plague or The Rev, never Jimmy unless he was seriously angry.
“The cops were onto me” I said quickly, trying to defend myself. Matt shook his head slowly, he hated excuses, almost as much as he hated people being late. He suddenly lent forward and grabbed my shirt. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable punch. I felt his fist collide with the side of my face and I fell to the floor, my vision swimming. He kicked me in the stomach and then hauled me off the floor.
“Get out” he snarled. I basically ran out of the room, my face was throbbing and my stomach felt like someone had poured molten lead into it.
I ran into the small and grimy bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the light, which flickered on and off, humming angrily. I looked in the mirror and saw the bruise forming on my already battered face. I sat on the floor and started to shake, how the hell did this happen to me? I didn't do anything to deserve this, did I?
I heard knocking at the door and I closed my eyes, hoping he would go away. “Let me in Plague” Matt shouted..
I opened up the door, scared of the consequences if he had to knock it down. He closed the door behind him and grinned. I knew where this was going, it had happened so many times before.
Matt pushed me over the edge of the bath and undid my jeans, slowly. I didn't move when I heard his jeans undoing, knowing it would be worse if I run. I groaned in pain when he slammed his full nine and a half inches into me. He deliberately avoided my prostrate and wanted to make this as painful as possible.
When he was finally done, he pulled me roughly up and started at me straight in the eyes, “Be a good boy for Leana Plague, I'm sure she wants you to actually come home tonight”
I nodded my head and he told me, much to my relief, that I could go home. I pulled up my trousers and tried to make myself not look as beaten, I hadn’t been home in a week and I was missing Leana so much.
I left the house and walked to the bus stop, I waited in the darkness for the bus, which was late. I ended up being the only person on the bus, the bus driver looked half asleep.
I got off the bus in probably the worst street in Huntington Beach, there was literally a murder here every week, but it was cheap to live here and it's all I could afford. I hated leaving Leana by herself here and I couldn't wait to move her away from here.
I quietly opened the front door and steeped into the small, yet familiar hall way. I kicked off my shoes and quietly crept crept up the stairs. I opened our bedroom door and saw the small form of my sleeping girlfriend. I climbed into bed carefully and wrapped my arms around her. She stirred and opened her eyes, she smiled softly as she stared into my eyes, “Hello stranger” she chuckled sleepily.
“Hey baby” I said before I kissed her on the lips.
“I missed you” she replied quietly.
“I'm sorry, I don't want to leave you all the time” I mumbled sadly ans I kissed the top of her soft hair.
“I love you” she murmured as she buried her face in my chest.
“I love you too” I agreed softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title from Demons By A7X <3
Yeah another new story, but I've had the idea for this hoarded away in a notebook that I recently discovered. It should be fun :D
I'm open for idea's for this so if guys have something that you think should happen, Inbox me and your ideas may come to life :D
Comment and Subscibe please <3 Love ya'all ;p