Status: I don't know what's really going on here... so updates will come whenever :P

This Is Just a Story of a Broken Soul

Your Not Alone

I had fell asleep with Harlow in my arms, she was scared to let go of me, after that incident with Matt.
Leana was curled up against me too, probably for the same reason.
My head was thumping, I probably had some sort of injury from when he slammed me into the wall.
I managed to get up without waking either of them up and staggered into the bathroom. I was very stiff and sore all over.
I looked in the mirror, my neck was purple and blue and I had some more horrible bruises on my face. I didn't want Harlow to see me like this. My eyes were bloodshot and I did not want to see what further injuries lay underneath my clothes.
I slowly eased off my t-shirt and gasped at the massive bruising on my stomach from when Matt had kicked me. I gingerly touched it and winced at the sudden pain.
I sat on the edge of the bath and held my head in my hands, my stupidity had almost killed me on more then one occasion, but now he was threatening Harlow and Leana?
My thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ringing of the telephone. It seriously hurt my ears and I was worried that it would wake up Harlow and Leana.
I quickly went into the hallway and picked it up, “Plague, get here now!” the voice on the other end demanded, I knew it was Matt, he was the only one who called me Plague.
“Ok-okay” I answered, he slammed the phone down, leaving the line dead.
I struggled upstairs and changed my clothes.
I went back down and Leana was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.
“Jimmy, where are you going?” she asked sadly.
“Matt has called me in, I have to go” I mumbled as I put on my shoes.
“Jimmy, please don't go” Leana begged.
“Le I have to go, or he'll come back for you and Harlow” I argued.
Leana's eyes filled with tears and she hugged me tightly, “Just come back, okay?”
“I'll come back” I promised.
“Love you” I sighed.
“Love you too” she answered.
I walked out of the house and started to walk towards Matt's house, a car pulled up beside me.
The door was opened, it was Syn.
“Hey Jim, need a ride?” he offered.
“Sure” I replied and climbed in the car. Me and Syn had been friends for years, he originally worked with me, but he followed his dream and became a studio musician.
“Jimmy you look like shit, what the hell have you been doing?” he asked, glancing over to where I sat.
“I still work for Matt” I told him.
“You should really get out of that, you know I have a job for you” he replied. Yes I knew he had a job for me, he's been saying for a while that he could get me a job as a drummer, something I loved doing.
“I can't, he knows about Harlow” I muttered. I knew how Syn would feel about this, he was her Godfather after all.
“Jimmy, you know I can protect you, you have to get away from him” Syn sighed.
He pulled up outside Matt's house, “Thanks Syn” I smiled and climbed out the car.
Syn opened up the window of his car, “Think about it!” he called out as he drove off.
I knocked nervously on Matt's door, he opened it quickly, a furious look on his face.
“Get in” he snarled.
I walked in swiftly, staying as far away from Matt as possible.
“Why did you not tell me about Harlow?” he growled, shoving me against the wall.
“I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-sorry” I stuttered.
“You will be” he snarled, “I want you to go to someone and get payment for me” he grinned evilly.
“Whose house?” I asked nervously.
“Vengeance's” he smirked.
I gulped, Vengeance was ruthless, he killed people, a lot of people.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit is Carolyn by Black Viel Brides :D
Thank you to everyone who was persisted with this :D From now on this will be updated on Mondays :D