Status: 10 stars. 540 readers 22 subscribers (Thanks a shit ton, everyone]

You Know I Still Get Lost in Your Eyes

There's so much I could say. But I don't know where to start


A Woman with big brown eyes and short blonde hair appears in front of us, her choice of clothes… A little skimpy. I roll my eyes lightly and smooth down kade’s hair through her hat. “Hello. I’m Doctor. Lennox” Her voice is to over-friendly. Then suddenly a look of remembrance struck her face, “Omg. Aren’t you Kenneth Nixon’s wife?” I grin and nod lightly, She squeals “OH MY GOD!! I fucking love his music, can you get him to sign my cd” Suddenly it is shoved into my hands, I clear my throat. “Excuse me” I plaster a fake polite smile on, “I would really appreciate it if you didn’t cuss in front of my daughter. I won’t want her to repeat an unprofessional action, and as a side-note” I shoved the cd back into her hands, “My husband is on tour, so I don’t think he would came all the way back just to sign your cd”

Her face darkens until it constricts into a deep frown. “I’m sorry” She is hesitate on the apology, I never drop my smile. “Thank you. Now can we please get back to kade’s health. That’s what we came here for” She grabs her clipboard with an attitude and flashes Kade a smile. Kade matches her smile and kicks her feet slightly, giggling. “She’s so cute” Dr. Lennox mutters, I groan and move a stray hair away from my face. Dr. Lennox leans over and tells Kade in a sweet tone. “When you hear the kitty-cat meow sweetie, I want you to nod” She smiles and nods understanding. Dr. Lennox places huge headphone on her ears and turn on the monitor behind her. She frowns at me, but when I glance up she flashes me another fake smile. “It’ll only take a minute Mrs. Nixon” She hisses out nastily. I return the smile and tap my foot as she starts the test. I hear the cat meow but Kade doesn’t react. I glance over at the monitor and nothing happens. The cat meows again and Kade gives me a blank look, Dr. Lennox glances towards me her face a little worried. The cat’s meow echoes throughout the room, but yet Kade doesn’t respond.

I panic, and glance back at the monitor but nothing was changing or moving. There was no activity. “Are you sure, it’s working right?” I stumble over my words, completely losing my calm demurer. She nods and say in a calm tone, “I can see if it needs some work, but other than that it should be working properly” I nod, playing with my fingers nervously. “That’s fine. Does that mean we come back?” She grabs her clipboard and jots something down. “Yeah. Sure we’ll call to see if these results we accurate or not” Oh…now you wanna be professional. I brush the thought away, and move the headphones off Kade. Picking her up and placing on my hip I tell Dr. Lennox in a collective tone “We’ll be waiting for the call then”

“Kenneth” He looks up at the screen and sees my worried face. His smile has faded “What’s wrong?” I clear my throat and tell him in a sad tone “I think there might be something wrong with Kade” He smiles slightly “Toni. It’s probably nothing I’m sure. You know how you get all worry-wart on me when it comes to her” I shake my head, glancing over towards her carefully. She is sleeping peacefully, her small lips are parted slightly. Her snores are deep and smooth. “ no. I feel there is, Kenneth. We went to the doctor today, to check her hearing and she didn’t react. At all” Fresh tears welled up in my eyes, and I wiped them away quickly. Kenneth’s smile disappear “What do you mean she didn’t react” I wipe more tears away, “I mean. I could hear the cat meow. The doctor could. But I guess she didn’t. She wasn’t reacting, the monitors wasn’t reacting. Nothing was happening!” “What if the monitor was broken or something” I shrugged “That’s the same thing I said, she said she’ll check out the results again, and we’ll see” He takes a deep breath, and rubs his temples.

“Are you telling me, that kade could be deaf”

“I think that’s what I’m saying”

“I-I gotta go..”

“Kenneth, we can’t run from this!”

“I really gotta go, Toni. I love you, give kade a kiss for me”

The computer screen goes blank, and I sigh. Finally allowing the tears to come.
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Hey! I would love feedback! ;)