Status: 10 stars. 540 readers 22 subscribers (Thanks a shit ton, everyone]

You Know I Still Get Lost in Your Eyes

I miss the sound of you laughing


“Kenneth, baby you don’t need her.” I heard Dallas tell me, clinging onto my stiffened arm with a reassuring smile. “I love you, I have since you guys came out with your first song. Just be with me, you don’t need to worry about her anymore because I love you Kenneth. I just turned twenty a few days ago, so we can be together forever. With me.” I frowned, of course she would try to rush into this so quickly with Toni only being gone an entire fifteen minutes. Everyone wanted to be the wife of a rockstar. I ripped myself away from her without even moving away from the front door. I still couldn’t believe that this was actually leaving me. Toni was actually leaving me behind.

Dallas grabbed onto my arm once again, hugging me to her chest. “Its okay, Kenneth. I love you its okay” I turned towards her and gave her a disbelief look before ripping myself from her desperate grip. Did she honest think I was going to be with her? I cut off her rambling with a low “Just go” Her eyes grew watery as she stared at me with a shocked expression, “Y-you can’t do this to me Kenneth, I love you!” She shouted, clinging once again heavily to my arm. I shook my arm roughly but yet she refused to budge. “I said leave..”

“Kenneth, n-“


And I shoved her off of me unexpectedly, making her stumble and fall backwards in what felt like slow motion, slamming her head violently against the edge of the wood table making it jerk forward in a painful angle. It felt as if time itself had stopped just then, I watched her with widened eyes as the blood started to slowly pour from her open wound once she landed on the ground, pooling around her head like a crimson halo. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Her pale blue eyes staring blankly into mine, I allowed my hands to drop down to my sides, staring down at her limp body. “I didn’t mean to” I felt the words slip past my lips with a shaking tone. “I-I told you to leave. I told you to move” I felt myself telling her in a trembling tone. I couldn’t move, watching her body with caution eyes.

Until slowly I forced myself to pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1. The emergency dispatcher voice echoing out into my empty head. “What is your emergency?” And that’s when all the emotions came, and I couldn’t hold in the tears as they came spilling down my cheeks making me choke and stutter out my words. “Sir, are you okay?” I shook my head slowly, even though she couldn’t see me.

“ I-I didn’t m-mean to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no, shit hit the fan... and kenneth is a killer.. .
Soooo the next one is the last one. :]
Then It's the sequel!