Status: 10 stars. 540 readers 22 subscribers (Thanks a shit ton, everyone]

You Know I Still Get Lost in Your Eyes

Just one cheap thrill just to help you make it. Dammit I hope you didn't fake it

**Kenneth's p.o.v**
Even through my drunken haze I realized what I had done almost immediately. She was staring at me horrified, her hand cupping her swelling cheek. Tears slowly falling from her beautiful eyes, I dropped down to my knees in front of her . "Toni!..I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry" I tried to crawl over closer to her but she backed away quickly. My eyes watered and suddenly recognition struck me, I was just like my father. The man I had swore never to be.

**Normal p.o.v**
We slept in silence, the more he apologized the more I tried to believe him. When he woke up early that morning I thought he had left, after 20 minutes of struggling out of bed I managed to get downstairs to find him in the kitchen making me breakfast. When he heard me coming he smiled, his eyes red and puffy. "Hey" he said softly and I just glanced down quickly and said in a soft whisper "hey" He walked over and pulled the chair out for me and slowly I sat down. He walked back towards the stove and finished piling the pancakes up of one plate. "I told the guys that I was gonna need a few days off...they wasn't to happy about it but I honestly won't care if they did. and I'm taking some sick days off of work so for awhile it's just gonna be you and me" I tensed up, I've become so afraid of him hitting me again that I didn't know how to react to this little private time he created for us.

He glanced back at my fragile face and once again his eyes would glide down to my cheek and he would look away sad and ashamed. I just gave him a soft smile and said in a calming tone "It's fine... see" I poked it lightly and fought the urge to recoil back with pain. "It doesn't hurt anymore" He smiled lightly and nodded "kay" after that the breakfast went down the way it use to. Kenneth cracking smart-ass remarks and me smiling and calling him an asshole. Sometimes I missed days like these

(Baby time.. :D)
I woke up drenched in sweat, taking deep uneven breaths I glanced around at Kenneth who was feeling the bed confused "Toni? Did you just pee on yourself?" A course of anger surged through me as the another spasm kicked in. I glared at him through my thick lashes "Nixon! if you don't get the fuck outta this bed and get me to a fucking hospital! I promise! I will kill you my damn self!" Laughing lightly Kenneth hopped up and rushed over towards me helping me out of bed.

"Toni push!" I glared at the doctor through my tears and sweat and said in a low tone "I am fucking pushing! You no neck having bastard!" Kenneth snickered, the nurse had warned him earlier that I would feel some anger during child birth. I took another deep breath and pushed with all my might. Kenneth leaned forward smiling excited "I see her head" My body fell back tired as the doctor said with another smile "Okay Toni. give me one more big push!" my face met with Kenneth and I glared at him raising my hand wearily I flicked him off "This is all your fucking fault!" gripping the sheets and taking another deep breath I pushed and pushed and then a loud cry emptied out into the room. I fell back again exhustated as the doctors cleaned the baby and handed her to Kenneth. He smiled and that had been the happiest I had ever seen him (Except for when he stayed a entire 3 months sober) he cradled her in his arms lovingly and beamed happily.

I was well rested and had glanced around to find Kenneth holding our baby in his arms glazing into her soft brown eyes as his began to tear up. I smiled and said in a weak tone "did everything come out okay" He nodded smiling at me a small tear drifting from his cheek and onto hers. "I like Kade" I said finally after a moment's silence, I rested my arms at my side and yawned tired all over again. "It's a boy name but it sounds cute for a girl too" He nodded agreeing "She's beautiful" he whispered lightly careful not to wake her. "So Kade Elizabeth Nixon" I smiled letting my eyes drift off sleepily, dreaming of Kenneth and our beautiful Kade.
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Awww isn't Kade's name soooo pretty! <3
Might have to wait a little while longer for the next one! Glad you decided to wait it out a little longer to get this one! Love you guys (all creepiness intended! <3)