Status: Active

The Playboy’s Baby

Chapter 12: First Clinic Visit

Chapter 12: First Clinic Visit

Holly’s POV

“Oh my god, he is so hot.”

“I know, right.”

“I wish he was the father of my baby.”

I heard whispers from girls around me as I waited silently and patiently flipping through a magazine the following week at the clinic that Dr. Crawford recommended; I looked up and found girls not staring at me but at Blake who was sitting next to me leaning his back against the chair with eyes close. He was wearing black jeans with a red with black lines plaid shirt and black sneakers while I was wearing casual jeans with a white shirt and white sneakers. His fingers were moving up and down to the music that he was listening to coming from his IPod.

“He must be really use to that.” My mother said from the other chair next to mine reading a magazine as well.

I reached out and pulled the ear buds from his ears and his eyes immediately swung open locking with mine.

“I was listening to that.” He said as he tried to reach out for it again and I move it out of reach.

“Why did you come?” I asked wanting to know.

He frowned at first as he stared at me, “Because I wanted to.”

“It just the first visit, Blake.”

“And I promised that I will be there for you, didn’t I?”

I smile happily at that and stare back at him, “Yes, you did.”

“Good, then stop complaining.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.” He said as he reached out with his hand and pinch my nose. Then as I rob it he took this chance to take his IPod back.

“Blake, we are in a clinic.” I said reaching out for his IPod. He was been rude whether he knew it or not.

“So,” He said rolling eyes at me like he didn’t care. Then he leaned closer toward me and whisper on my ear softly, “It helps me keep the annoying sound of these girls off.”

I almost burst out laughing at that but didn’t knowing that it was rude to do so in the first place. It wasn’t my fault that the girls were looking at him like they always do, ready to chew him up. It was all him in the first place.

I handed the IPod back to him as he said brushing his hand with mine.

“Don’t worry, Holly. I know you are jealous and all but just keep this mind. You are my baby’s mommy.” He said ending the sentence with a sexy smirk.

“You are horrible.” I said honestly as I notice from out the corner of my eyes girls been

“I know.” He said winking at me.

Just as he was about to put back in his ear buds a nurse came into waiting room and announce “Holly Evans.”

I stand up from the chair along with Blake and my mother and walked toward the nurse. She looked at all of us and smile. I guess she likes to see family support then she said, “Follow me.”

As we followed the nurse, I couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happened. As I was directed to the usual checkups with the nurse, she put me in a room with my mom and Blake.

“Okay, honey your Doctor will be in shortly.” She said smiling at me once more.

“Thank you.” I said as I smile back at her.

“You welcome, sweetie.” She said then winks at me and left the room making sure that she close the door behind her.

Minutes later, the doctor walked in with a friendly open smile.

“Hello Holly…Evans.” He said walking toward me and pulled out his hand for a shake. “I’m Doctor Parker.”

“Nice to meet you.” I said smiling back at him while shaking his hand.

“I heard you were good friends with Dr. Crawford.” My mother said, now sitting on the chair
next to the hospital bed that I was sitting on while Blake stood leaning his back against the wall.

“Yes, you have heard correctly. We have been good friends since high school.” He said as he wash his hands with liquid soap and dry them with paper towels. After throwing them in the trash can, he turned back and face me.

“Please lay down for me, Holly.” He said and I did gladly.

As he started to lift up my shirt slowly, I heard Blake said in some sort of a panic tone, “Whoa, whoa what do you think you are doing?” he said as he walked toward me and put down my shirt once again.

“Blake…” I said staring at him while rolling my eyes.

What was up with him all of the sudden? He stood next to me still holding my shirt down. He looked kind of overprotective of me…or was it the baby. I couldn’t help but think in which of us he is more concern about. Then I thought maybe both of us, me and our baby.

“Well, I have to check the baby as well as the mother, Blake.” The doctor said staring at him with an amuse expression.

“Can you do that without lifting up her shirt?” He cried out in a protective manner.

“Blake,” I said again taking a hold of his hand that was still holding my shirt while the Doctor explained, “No, I actually I can’t. Now please let me do my job.”

“Blake…” I whispered once more through my lips staring up at him.

He shifted his gaze from the doctor to me. He nodded then removes his hands.

As the doctor once again lifts up my shirt, Blake stood next to my bed observing his movements, very closely I might add.

“We are going to do an ultrasound to make you sure everything is going okay.” He said then apply some type of blue jelly on my stomach then move a more a machine close to me and put some kind of pencil type machine on my stomach. He turn on the machine and at first I was puzzled on what was I suppose to be seeing.

Then that’s when I heard it, a heartbeat, and a small tiny heartbeat following coming from inside of me.

I feel tears rolling down my eyes as soon as I realize that it was my baby’s heartbeat.

“Oh my god,” Blake said stung leaning even closer taking a look at it too. “It looks like a jelly bean.”

“It’s beautiful.” I said with tears gathering in my eyes and flowing out of them. Without even knowing I what was I doing, I took a hold of Blake’s hand while looking at the monitor. He seems to have been ok with it since he tightens the hold.

“Yes, the baby is healthy, forming along as it should be. Six weeks pregnant and everything is developing great.” The doctor said.

“Really.” I burst out.


“Oh honey…” my mom finally said gathering up the courage. “It’s so beautiful.”

“How can you tell? It looks like a bean?” Blake said still looking at the monitor.

“It just is.” My mother cried out in tears.

I found myself smiling at them.

The doctor turned to looked at us, “Will you like a picture?”

“Could we have one?”

“Sure.” He said smiling.

Then after few more moments he did something to the machine and then he turned off the machine which I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. I wanted to continue and see my baby.

“Well, Holly everything looks good.

“Thank you.” I said nodding my head looking at him.

“This is also your first baby.” He asked and I nodded.

“Any more symptoms recently.”

I shook my head, “No, it’s that bad.”

“No, it’s not. Just let me know if they do and they will.”


“How is your appetite?” he asked lifting his eyes to mine.

“Good, I guess.”

“That’s good. You are going to have to be eating healthy food from now on, Ok, fruits and
vegetables, things like that.”

“Fruit like an apple?” Blake asked as I suddenly remember that ever since then he has bringing me a different fruit to lunch every day since the first day he brought me one.
Somehow remembering that brought a smile of happiness to my face.

Doctor smile at that, “Sure like an apple, banana, peaches, oranges things like that.”

“Ok.” I said nodding my head.

“I’m also going to prescribe you some vitamins.” He said as he filled up a prescription paper that was already place on the folder chart. Then he frowned at something, “It’s this all your medical history.”

“Yeah, it is.” My mother said.

“Are yours included here too, Blake?”

“Yep.” He said nodding his head.

“Hmm, what about Holly’s father?” he said as he looked from me to my mother.

“Oh it’s there too. The ones I know at least. He hasn’t been around since Holly was six.” My mother said while I stood quite still laying in the bed looking up at the ceiling.

“Oh okay,” the doctor said nodding his head in understatement. Then after a few more questions he said “I’ll be back in just a moment.”

I turned to looked at Blake who was still staring curiously at my belly. He reached out slowly hesitating a little bit then touch it gently.

“You are no panicking?” I asked as he continues to touch it.

“Why should I?” he asked looking back at me. “It’s a baby, Holly. Not a bomb.”

“I’m glad you think so.” My mother said while looking at him with a protective mother over her child expression on her face.

Blake remained quite still staring down at me with a faint expression on his face. He knew sometimes he pushes my mother’s buttons but he didn’t go crazy. He respected her. At least I thought so.

After a few more minutes the doctor walked in, “These are for you.” He said handing me and Blake a piece of paper.

When I came to realize that I was holding the picture of my baby, I smile.

“You are giving me one too?” Blake said as he stared at his too with a smile.

“Yeah, why not?” the doctor said then handed me two pieces of papers, “This is the prescription for the Prenatal vitamins and the day for you next appointment.”

“Okay.” I said nodding my head.

“Oh I almost forgot.” He said then reached back and handed pieces of napkin.

I clean the jelly that he had put on belly away then throw it in the trash can as I sit up.

“So everything is all set.”

“Awesome, but one question doc.” Blake said seriously.

“What’s that, Blake?” The Doctor said taking interest.

“When do we get to know the sex of the baby?”

“During the 18-22 weeks of pregnancy?”

“Oh man.” Blake groan in disappointment and I almost burst out laughing.

“Anymore questions you have for me?”

“No that’s it.” He said shaking his head still disappointed.

Aww he looks so adorable. In order to comfort him I reached out and patted his hand.
After we all left the clinic and walked outside, I finally breathed out. My baby was healthy and fine.

“Ok so, you guys go to school while I go and drop this at the pharmacy and then go to work.”
My mother said looking from Blake to me.

“Okay, mom.” I said smiling at her then reached out and hug her very tightly. “Thank you so much for coming.” I whispered into her ear.

She nodded her head and said, “Anytime.”

After one kiss on the cheek as good bye she walked to her car and drove off. As I walked along side of Blake’s to his car I found myself still staring at the picture.

“Do you think that the baby will be cute?” I asked wanting to know of his reaction to this.

He stop and turned to me, “Of course it will be cute. You are cute and I’m hot.” He said and I found myself laughing out loud.

“You are hot and I am cute.” I finally said gathering my breath.

“Well what I mean is…” he started to said nervously as he stood there in front of me as he reached up and move his hand against the back of his neck. “Yeah, you are cute, Holly.”

I took one step closer toward and said innocently while I glance up at him, “Just cute.”

“Not just cute…you are adorable, sweet, funny and smart which it’s a good thing. I hope that our baby inherit your brain instead of mine.”

Our baby he said that made me smile even more. I feel my face heating up almost as if I was blushing but I couldn’t look in the mirror to know for sure.

“Yeah, because your brain is full of perverted thoughts.”

He immediately gave me a shock reaction, “Not always.”

“Well half of the time.”

“Okay…” he said shaking his head still staring at me. “Half of the time, but not lately. I haven’t been thinking about any of that lately.” He said sounding honestly as he reached up and move my hair back from my face and place it behind my ear.

As he stroke the side of my face I was starting to have that feeling again in my stomach, “We should get going to school.”

“Why don’t we skip school for today?”


“Why not?”

“Because how are we suppose to provide a future for our baby if we don’t study.”

He nodded at that, “Fair enough.” He said then after stroking my cheek once more he
reached out and pinch my nose for the second time that day.

“Ow that hurts.” I cried out rubbing my nose.

“Get in the car, cutie.” He said flashing me a smile as he open the driver side of his car.

“You are unbelievable.” I said honestly as I walked toward the passenger side door and
open it.

Once I was inside, I put on my seatbelt and I eye Blake putting his also which I smile. I have been nagging him for a while now to put it on but today he did it on his own. He is finally learning to drive safely.

“Oh I almost forgot,” he said as he drove out of the parking lot into the busy street.


“My mom wants to know if you can come over to the house this weekend. We are having a barbecue and she will like to meet you and your mom if that’s okay.” he said as he stop the car in a red light and turn to looked at me.

“Umm…your mom wants to meet me?” I said as I started to feel my hands getting sweaty
and my heart beating faster.

“Yeah, besides sooner or later you will have to not only because there is the fact that she is going to be grandma soon but the fact that you are practically family now.”

“I’m family.” I said still somehow trying to take this all in.

“Yeah, Holly. You are having my baby so that makes you part of the family now.” He said as he started to put the car in motion again once the red light change to green.

After a few minutes fill with silence and waiting patiently he looked at me once again and said, “So how about it?

“Okay, sure, I will like that very much.” I said smiling as I lean my head against the headrest and looked at him openly.

“Good.” He said smirking at me.

I didn’t know what was I in for when I meet his family but I knew that it wouldn’t be bad. Somehow along the way Blake sense my concern and reached out took a hold of my hand and squeeze it without saying a word.
Blake’s POV

I stared down at the picture of what it looked to be my baby since it looked like a jelly bean of some kind. With my fingertips I trace the picture and found myself smiling. This was my baby, my baby.

I must have been to engross in the picture to not realize that the door of my room swung open and then the next thing I knew it was Sammy jumping into my bed.

“Hey Blake, what’s that?” he said with a smile as he move near me and tried to take a sneak peak at the picture of my baby.


“Hey honey so was the appointment at the clinic today?” my mother asked as she walked
into my room along with my father.

“It’s was fine, actually. Everything is fine.” I said while sitting up on my bed. “The Doctor gave us this picture to me and Holly today.” I added as I show her the picture of her soon to bed grandkid.

At the first glance my mother gasped as she looked at the picture along with my father.

“Aww Blake…” she said with tears rolling down her eyes.

I found myself instead of smiling but frowning with a puzzle looked on my face.

“Congratulations, son.” My father said.

Then Sammy dying of curiosity like always reached up saying, “I want to see. I want to see too.”

My mother handed him the picture as I started at him.

He frowned at the picture, “What is it?” he asked with a confused expression on his face.
“It’s your brother’s baby, sweetie.” My mother said sitting on the bed next to him.

“No it isn’t.”

“Yes it is.” My mother said.

“No it isn’t. It’s a jelly bean.” He finally said with a triumph smile on his face.

I finally found myself burst out laughing at that been said.

“It’s beautiful.” My mother said taking the picture.

“How can you tell?” Sammy asked leaning to look at the picture again. I wouldn’t mind knowing that answer as well but I already knew women’s mind and man’s mind were so completely different.

“It just is.” My mother said crying.

“So what did Holly said about the barbecue?” my father asked curiously.

“Oh, she said she will come but I will be picking her up.”

“What about her mother?” my mother asked looking at me now too.

“She might come too.” I said honestly as I thought about it but I couldn’t think of any reason on why she might not be coming.

“That’s great.” My mom said as she patted my leg still with tears rolling down her face.

“Yeah, it is.” I said with a smile as I took the picture of my jelly bean back. As I stared at it I
suddenly realize I couldn’t wait for tomorrow or this weekend either and why was that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well Hope this chapter is better than the last. Pleaseeee let me know what you think by leaving me comment. Thanks so much for reading until the next upload.!