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All Day.


“Will everyone please fasten their seatbelts? We are preparing to land.” the pilot came over the loud speaker.

I fastened my seatbelt and looked over at my mother, who gave me a reassuring and excited smile. I smiled in return and then I got a nervous feeling in my stomach. It was not the bad nerves that you get when you have to walk home in the dark and you think that someone is watching you. It was the good nerves, the nerves that you get when you know something good is going to happen, you just don’t know how or when they are going to happen.

Maybe I was nervous about being in a music video for the first time, maybe I was excited to see my friends again, or maybe I was anxious to see how things between Cody and I would play out. No matter what the reason was, I had butterflies in my stomach.

My thoughts took over my mind and I did not even realize that the rocky landing was over, “Welcome to L.A.” the pilot said to all the passengers on the airplane.

My mother squeezed my arm and then unbuckled her belt. “You ready?” she asked me.

I nodded, but I was not sure if I really was. I unbuckled as well and stood up, stretching my arms over my head. I stepped out into the aisle when it was my turn. I reached above my head and grabbed my mother’s bag and handed it to her. I grabbed my bag next and reached inside to get my cellphone. I turned it on once it was in hand. I quickly sent Alli a text to let her know we just landed. Before I was even off the plane she sent a text back about how excited she was to see me and that they were all at the airport waiting for us to arrive.

As I shuffled toward the plane’s exit, stewardess smile and welcomed me to California. I thanked them and continued to make my way off the plane and then to baggage claim. We arrived at the conveyor belt within what seemed like seconds. My mom and I waited silently as the belt started slowly moving. When I saw my purple and pink bag I reached down and lifted it up and off the conveyor belt.

“Ok. Did you let someone know we are here?” my mother asked me when she got her suitcase.

I nodded, “I let Alli know. She said they are all here waiting for us.”

My mother smiled and started to walk away from baggage claim. I followed her and started looking in every direction, keeping my eyes open for anyone that resembled a Simpson.

“Maggie!” I heard a voice call. I looked ahead and saw Tom and Alli running toward me.

I stopped in my tracks and let go of my suitcase opening my arms up, getting ready for their running embraces.

“Hey guys!” I exclaimed when they tackled me.

We hugged for a while and then I felt someone’s hand grasp my shoulder. I looked up and saw Cody standing next to me with a huge smile.

“Hey.” I said quietly as I let go of Tom and Alli and moved onto Cody.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he wrapped his arms around me as well.

Alli interrupted our reunion by asking, “How was the flight?”

I sighed and let go of Cody. “Long.” I told her.

She giggled and then walked Tom back over to her parents and my mom. Cody grabbed the handle of my suitcase and said, “I am glad you are here.”

I nodded and replied, “I am glad to be here. And you don’t need to take my suitcase. I can do it.”

He shook his head and replied, “I got it. Don’t worry.”

We walked out to the car and all piled in. The car ride to the Simpson’s house was filled with questions about how we were feeling and how everything back home was. The constant questions made the car ride go by faster and before I knew it we were at the Simpson’s new and beautiful home.

“Oh my gosh!” my mother shrieked when we pulled into the driveway, “This is gorgeous!”

Angie smiled and thanked my mother for her compliment. The car stopped and everyone got out of the car. Cody and his father got the suitcases out of the car, while Alli, Tom and Angie gave my mother and I a tour of the house.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was an elegant living room with a fireplace and a huge T.V. As we moved through the house, Cody and his father joined us. We saw the kitchen, dining room, Cody’s fathers office, bathrooms, and the game room (which was basically the whole basement). Then we made our way up stairs. We saw Brad and Angie’s room, Tom’s room, Alli’s room, Cody’s room, two guest rooms (were my mother and I would be staying), and more bathrooms.

When the tour was over we all went our separate ways. Alli and I went in her room and talked about all the fun things we were going to do while I was there. I didn’t really see Cody for the rest of the day. I saw him at dinner, but after that he went in his room and crashed. He has a long day at the studio tomorrow is what Angie told me. So, Alli and I decided to go in her room and talk for a few more hours.

When I started getting tired I said goodnight to Alli and walked down the hallway to my bedroom. Cody’s room, which is right next to mine, was still lit up and the door was cracked. I decided to knock on the door and see if her was awake.

“Come in.” I heard him call from the other side.

I opened the door and saw him lying on his bed. I smiled and just poked my head in. “I just wanted to see if you were awake. I am heading to bed. See you tomorrow?” I asked.

He shrugged, “I hope so. I have a lot of studio work to do tomorrow.”

I nodded and then started to close the door.

“Mags, wait.” he said as he got off of his bed.

I reopened the door and saw him walking toward me.

He cupped his hands around my face and brought my face closer to his. “I love you” he told me and planted a chaste kiss on my lips.

I smiled and replied, “I love you too. Now get some sleep. Good night.”

Then I closed his door and took a few steps to get to my room. I closed my door and crawled into bed, pulling all the blankets over my body. But, I could not fall asleep. My lips were tingling and I kept replaying the magical moment over and over in my head.
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I am sorry it took me so long to update this. I have the whole story plotted out already, I just need the motivation to upload the chapters. Comments help. I also want to let you all know that this story is gonna have like 170 chapters. So, yeah. SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT!!

Love y'all!