Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Lots of pretty boys she calls friends.

On her first day, Marilyn Lee came into homeroom smelling like smoke and peppermint. A raspy, smooth voice passed through cherry red lips as Mr. O'Neil made her introduce herself.

"I'm Marilyn. You can call me Marilyn."

Seth Evans, the comedian he is, jumped at the opportunity to shine. "Like Marilyn Monroe, the sex symbol?" He smirked, while others gave a wolf whistle.

White teeth made an appearance as she opened her mouth, "Marilyn, as in my aunt who passed away from cancer two months before I was born."

The room immediately became somber. Marilyn's lips twitched to the side, half a smirk, half a smile. She took the seat the professor had pointed to.

The school itself wasn't that small. There were about three hundred and twelve students in total, eighty eight in her senior class. Seth Evans leaned to the right, since the new student was placed next to him, and whispered into her ear. He was sorry, he said, he had no idea.

Marilyn didn't even glance at him. She just shimmied her desk further away from his. His friends watched, amazed, as Seth Evans never received that kind of reaction. Challenge accepted, he thought to himself with a smirk.

A second before the bell rang a crumpled sheet of paper landed with a plop on her desk. Dark eyes met her own as she looked for who had thrown it. The boy whom the eyes belonged to stood up and left a moment later. She turned the paper over a few times, surely mistaken there wasn't anything else written.

Who will save your soul?
♠ ♠ ♠
Marilyn [x]
Cooper [x]

Nuew $+0ry. C; And thanks to the lovely Sara for the layout! <3