Status: Complete.

Motel 69

It was only a kiss.

Towards the middle of March, the blooming flowers weren't the only things changing. For the past few weeks, the air surrounding Cooper and Marilyn became less tense. Ever since he had written that poem for her ages ago, she found herself, well... interested in him. If his intent was to scare her off, it wasn't quite working. But she chalked it up to hormones. Having never liked anyone, at all, she figured it was all part of a phase. She would let those cliche teenage feelings run their course, and in a few weeks it would wear off. But they weren't going away.

Countless study hall hours allowed them to bond over shared interests. They were both extremely cynical. Pessimistic. Expected the worst out of everything and everyone. But maybe that was why they were perfect together. And maybe that was enough to have Cooper spend the night while Raymond hadn't been home.

And how they talked. The narrow minded, curious students at Bayside High couldn't get over the power couple. Priestly, who crushed hearts as easily as crumpling paper. Lee, who wouldn't give Greek god Seth Evans the time of day. The both of them, who were not quite together, but not quite strangers.

"What do you think of Danielle, Mare?" Ray asked his daughter one day.

She sighed. How many times had she heard this talk before? Six, maybe seven. "She's nice enough. When do you plan on asking her?"

Although it didn't seem like it, Raymond was a good father. If the word father is applied loosely. He truly came to care for Marilyn after Elise had left him all those years ago. He loved her as an actual father would love his actual child. That did not make him soft, however. He never asked about her interests. He cared naught for any crushes she might have had during those awkward pre-pubescent years. Don't ask, don't tell was a little motto the two went by. But he did supply her never ending supply of cigarettes. He made sure she had enough food to eat; when she chose to eat, of course. He wouldn't allow her to get a job; their little family was better than having to send off his teenage daughter to supply for them both. Image was everything, after all.

"I was thinking of having her over for dinner on Saturday."

"You need me to scram for a few hours?"

Ray smiled. That was why they made such a perfect pair. The father and daughter understood each other. He replied, with that infamous grin,"I would appreciate it, kid. I'll give you money for a movie or something, okay?"

"Sure daddy," she smiled that bright, white toothed smile she reserved for special occasions.


The next morning Cooper was nowhere to be seen. Marilyn missed her little boy toy, in a way. The day was much too boring and slow paced without his usual commentary. Opening her locker at the end of the day, though, a white index card fell to her feet. How long had it been there for? she wondered. After all, she hardly ever bothered using her locker. Once a week, maybe.

I know who I want to take me home. ;)

You know what they say: Beware the Ides of March.
♠ ♠ ♠
In case you're wondering...

yeah, they did it.