Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Outrun my gun.

End date- March twentieth. Cooper: 7-0.

but who gives a shit anymore? this is the last page of this monster thing. thirty-odd pages have been filled with HER. i got rid of HER last month, and i can still feel it. that empty feeling, knowing i wont be able to talk to her again. to smell smoke and bubble gum, knowing SHE is somewhere close by. those ruby lips that left a million marks on me that night we spent in her bedroom.

i fucking hate it. i hate HER. i hate this. i hate what SHE has done to me. i wish SHE was dead. gone. never again being able to intrude my thoughts. SHE can take HER fucking secrets to the grave for all i care. i dont give a fuck anymore. SHE could have killed HER parents and i still wouldnt care anymore. im losing my fucking mind and i dont know what to do anymore

♠ ♠ ♠
...can this get sixty nine comments? Like, is that possible...? Hmmm.