Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Don't give yourself away.

Cooper was too damned stubborn to show it. Marilyn just didn't want anyone to know.

They were miserable.

It's not like they were happy before, but they were less lonely. Each thought they had found someone to suffer their angst-ridden life with. Certainly, they wouldn't be together forever and live happily ever after, but it was just the beginning of something that could have shown promise.

And they blew it.

The school year seemed to be flying by. It was already May, and just a few short weeks until graduation. Once again, Marilyn was her own company in the cafeteria. Most lunch periods she spent in the courtyard, chain smoking and shaving the years off her life. Just drifting through existence. But today, she had unwelcome company.

"So, like everyone's heard about you and Priestly. It sucks, huh?" Audrey DiBello commented. Marilyn hadn't cared to learn her name all those months ago. Now she arched an eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

"Heartbreak sucks, you know? Like, no girl as gorgeous as ourselves deserve that! Like, ever-" Audrey's lips were painted with a bright red lip gloss. They were too shiny. The nearly unnoticeable smudge on the bottom of her lip caught Marilyn's attention.

"Running your mouth all day doesn't seem to do wonders for that stuff you call make up. And we're nothing alike, so for the love of all that is holy, don't think we have any common ground. I don't even know your name, so please don't sit near me again. You're probably damaging your precious reputation, anyway." Once again, Marilyn stood up and left before Audrey had a chance to reply. Not like she cared to hear it, anyway.

In the courtyard, she sat on her favorite bench under the biggest tree that offered shade. The No Smoking sign went unnoticed. She heard a noise to her left. Any other day, she would have disregarded it. But for some reason, she turned her head for the source. He was opening the door to the cafeteria and had turned his head too. Their eyes met for the slightest of seconds. The first time in thirty six days.

But each carried on, like the strangers they were.
♠ ♠ ♠

Cooper was originally going to be a heroin addict, and Marilyn a pyromaniac, lawlz. Motel 69 was going to be the name of their rehab center. C: