Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Some call it slums, some call it nice.

Cooper was a weird kid. He accepted it; embraced it. His shitty little town in the middle of nowhere had ceased to entertain him. Maybe he spent too much time alone, or maybe he read too much Poe. Whatever the reason, Cooper had no intention of going anywhere in life. It was boring and corrupt, with people too predictable. He grew up with everyone in his town, knew everyone's name and life story.

He was bored.

He needed an adventure.

He was lonely.

Drugs and alcohol were too mainstream. Cutting class was too immature. Shoplifting was for kids. Sex could result in pregnancy, and the last thing Cooper wanted was a little brat.

But cheating on people, messing with their minds... it was better than any drug. Knowing the effect he had on people, their emotions resting in his hands, it gave him a new kind of high. He could single handily crush someone by knowing which buttons to push. By the time senior year came around, many knew to stay away from Cooper. He was dangerous. An asshole. A devil with angel wings. No one caught his attention for three months. Lots of potential, sure, but nothing looked promising enough to guarantee his satisfaction.

Until a new student was rumored to be in the building. With white blonde hair and a red smirk, Cooper found his next target.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lots and lots of love and appreciation to:
(I actually love her a whole lot)
pimp choco.
Rose Lullaby
and kitsch

I love them lots. Thank you all! :*