Status: Complete.

Motel 69

You'll be sorry when I'm gone.

"Where the hell were you?" his lips were dangerously close to hers. Now he did it.

People stopped what they were doing and looked at the sudden commotion. Once they saw who was involved, the interest had doubled. For Cooper had grabbed Marilyn by the shoulders and pushed her against the lockers before the bell rang. He was pissed. Beyond pissed, from what she could tell.

"What do you want, Coop?" That nickname. It made his heart melt. But she stood him up, and he had no time to think how perfectly her lips formed those words.

"I was waiting for three hours. Where the fuck were you?" Their breaths mingled together.

"I was at home, sleeping. You don't own me, Cooper."

"I wanted to fucking explain something to you, but you didn't have the decency to-"

"I didn't have the decency? Are you fucking joking? You're the one who had the fucking nerve to sleep with me, then never speak to me again? Who does that?"

He was speechless as first. But he gained his composure, "If you just would've listen to me, you'd know-"

"No, Cooper. I'm not listening to you. Ever. Because I don't want to hear it. Shocker, isn't it? We both knew this- this thing would have gotten us nowhere. Face it: We both fucked with each other. Do you see this, Cooper?" His grip on her shoulders had loosened and she took the opportunity to grab the pack of Kleenex from her back pocket. Thank goodness for those allergies. She took one and, very loudly, blew her nose. She crumbled it up and threw it in a nearby trash can.

"That is what you are to me," she had been dying to have those words come back and bite him, and they finally did. In front of an audience, too. She continued, "I'm done being your little science experiment. Even I know about how you screwed those other girls over. Don't expect me to be another one of them."

And she walked away, in front of everyone, without looking back. And she never felt worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have you ever seen "Clueless?"... If so, you know that guy Elton, who has that weird crush on Cher? That's how I imagine Cooper sounds like. Ahah.

You're all beautiful. I LOVE YOU.