Status: Complete.

Motel 69

We are all just prisoners here.

Graduation was quickly approaching. Nerves were on fire, last minute assignments were being handed in, yearbooks were being passed around. Beneath the relief of leaving high school behind, beneath the excitement of going to college, only a handful of people didn't know what to feel; Cooper and Marilyn among them. Raymond Lee had finalized his plans and only had to wait a few more days. Marilyn would be leaving him soon, spending her first few semesters in Louisiana, then coming back to finish the classes they offered in the local university. He would miss her, the child he had never planned on having.

"So when does your plane leave?" Marilyn murmured. Only herself and Ray were awake in the Lee household, Danielle still sleeping. Marilyn and her father were grabbing a quick breakfast, witch consisted of black coffee, on that Tuesday morning.

"Three- thirty in the morning on June thirtieth. That's a week after you graduate, right?" He didn't need to mention it was a round trip ticket for one. Danielle, of course, would not be accompanying him. Only the newly deposit of forty thousand dollars in his bank account would await him in Florida.

She nodded. "And I leave on the twenty seventh. You got my ticket booked, right?"

"I did it the other day, don't worry. If you need anything," he seemed flustered. It wasn't easy for them to say what they were thinking. Emotions weren't something to be proud of. "You know you can always ask, right?"

She rolled her eyes. "I know, dad. I'll be fine."

Sometimes, Ray wondered what it would have been like if Marilyn had been raised by her actual parents. Would they love her as much? What if they were some abusive alcoholics? Are there any hereditary diseases in her family? And what could her real name be? That always nagged at him the most. Perhaps she was christened Rachel. Or maybe even Kelley. Or even Sally. Would she have had any brothers to look after her? Any little sisters to take care of?

But he never pondered it for too long. What's done is done.


Canary yellow and deep blue filled the air. It was over. Among the shrieks of the seniors, the band playing, and parents snapping pictures, Marilyn could hardly hear herself think. It was over. She knew Ray and Danielle awaited her, but for now she just sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair. It was over. The yellow cap still sat on her head.

It was over.

Three rows behind her, Cooper sat as well, a blue cap adorning his head. His parents were making their way over, pushing through the crowd. Brenda had tears streaming down her face, and John was trying not to cry. Their one and only son, graduating high school. Brenda reached him first and embraced him tightly.

"My boy," she breathed. "We're so happy for you, Coop."

"Congratulations, son," his father clapped him on the back. Cooper was numb. He could see two people approaching Marilyn (for he had been watching her the entire ceremony). Could that be the mysterious uncle she had? And who could that woman be? The woman hugged Marilyn, while the man just ruffled her hair and stuck his hands in his pockets. The woman laughed at something.

"Let's get outta here, huh?" his father nearly shouted. Cooper nodded, taking one last look at Marilyn. They still hadn't talked since that hallway fiasco. Cooper had since burned his journal full of writings. Despite the various actions among them, Marilyn met his eyes. She smiled briefly. And it was so small, so weary, Cooper had never been so ashamed of himself. The man put his arm around her and lead her away, out the exit doors, and out of Cooper's life.

It was over.
♠ ♠ ♠

... Just kidding. There's one more after this. :3 So yes, there will be an epilogue. I FINISHED WRITING IT AND IT'LL BE POSTED ON MONDAY, OKAY? OKAY.

I know a lot of you guys don't comment much, but I just wanna say I love you. I really do, and I appreciate anyone who even subscribes. It truly means a lot.

Did you know this whole story was inspired by the Eagles' song "Hotel California?" ... well it was. lql.