Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare.

"So what's your story, Miss Lee?" Audrey DiBello asked in the cafeteria. Marilyn had not given Audrey permission to sit across from her. She did not want company. The last thing she wanted, ever, was a friend.

Marilyn regarded the girl with wide grey eyes, debating if it was worth it to answer. Why not, she thought with a sigh. She could fuel the fire to the flames of gossip.

"It's still being written, isn't it?" Marilyn hadn't bought lunch. She was craving another cigarette. A bottle of diet soda would have to suffice, though.

At that, Audrey's smile faltered. "Erm, well. Where are you from?"

"I was born in Sweden. My parents died when I was young, so I came here to live with my uncle. He lived in Alabama, but a job promotion brought him here," she flatly explained. Total lies. The complete truth. It's not like anyone would care. At least the latter part would explain her Southern drawl.

Audrey DiBello formed a perfect O with her mouth. Audrey DiBello, with glossy pink lips, was annoying Marilyn to no end. "You poor thing! Do you have any siblings?" Marilyn didn't like the girl. Natural instinct was telling her to leave.

"Nope. Now if you'll excuse, I'm leaving." She stood up. As she exited the cafeteria she felt dozens of pairs of eyes on her. God, is everyone here so nosy? she wondered.

"You're quite the sensation, aren't you?"

The November air nipped at Marilyn's exposed skin. She turned towards the voice that had spoken. It was the kid from homeroom, who had written that love note. Those stupid, obscure five words.

"Fuck off. I just needed a smoke." On each lunch table in the courtyard was the sign, in large letters, no smoking.

The boy shared his pack. The girl took one.

They did not talk.

No attempts at conversation were made.

Only the ring of the bell broke their silence.


Study hall was held in the library. Twelve students were enrolled. As of November 5th, a thirteenth was enrolled. Lee, Marilyn was assigned the seat across from Priestly, Cooper. The final bell rang at 3 p.m. exactly. At 2:59, an index card was thrown to Marilyn's side of the table. In sloppy print was nine words.

They say the Devil's water, it ain't so sweet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you all my very lovely & gorgeous readers/commenters/subsribers! <3

August is gonna be super busy for me, so I wanna try to finish this by the end of July and I am very excited for the next one because I wrote it already and should just stop going now because I'm embarrassing myself okay thank you.