Status: Complete.

Motel 69

All these demons, they keep me up all night.

In a way, he is some higher-being.

In a way, he is a god.

In a way, he's a criminal. "God" and "criminal" in the same sentence. It's like that game children play. Which of these are not like the others? Which one doesn't belong?

To others- Liza, Karen, Emi, Cate with a 'C' and Kate with a 'K'- they didn't know. And once the truth hit and they were long gone, it was like a slap in the face. She didn't need to see it to know their reactions: the rush of blood to cheeks, tears threatening to spill over mascara'd eyelashes, the pit of shame gurgling in the stomach. And it was all because of her father.

Raymond Lee. Ray with bright blue eyes and shaggy brown hair who looked younger than his actual age and made women swoon over him. The man who helped his girlfriend, her mother, steal her out of a carriage when she was seven months old. Elise, the very first victim who wanted nothing to do with Ray after her college dirtbag of a boyfriend asked her to marry him and she said yes.

In his defense, he tried. In his defense, Elise was the only one who wanted her. Elise, who renamed her as her favorite actress Marilyn Monroe. Monroe the promiscuous druggie. Monroe who was constantly high and died of an overdose. Classy.

And the infant. Marilyn. After Ray found out he could use her to his advantage, she was stuck with him. She assumed his last name and was given a new birthday. A new age. A new life.

Casey Porter was all over the news for weeks. The blonde haired, blue eyed baby had been abducted in Phoenix, Arizona sixteen and a half years ago. By the time she was ten months old, Raymond Lee and his daughter were in Louisiana.

In Arizona, Casey had died.

In Louisiana, Marilyn had been resurrected.

A cruel, unusual circle of life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sunburn like there's no tomorrow :'c I will never leave my nice cold house again..
And if I haven't thanked you personally for reading and/or commenting, thanks again!