Status: Complete.

Motel 69

Shame, shame, shame.

"I almost feel like the temperature matches your personality, you know?"

A layer of snow had graced the ground in the early hours of the morning. Out of the thirteen students in their study hall, four were absent due to a cold. Three more had left to use the computer lab. Marilyn and Cooper were, once again, almost entirely to themselves. What strange circumstances, she thinks. The two seem to always be stuck together.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment, or an insult. I'll take it as the latter," she replied.

"No, listen. It's cold out, like your persona. No one wants to stay outside for too long, like I wouldn't want to be around you for more than it's necessary."

"Gee, thanks."

"And the winter's just so... unforgiving, you know? Frosty. Unemotional. In other words: you."

"Are you done yet?"

"For now, my darling."

The rest of the period dragged by. The minutes felt like hours, each second ticking away slowly. It was the Friday before holiday break, making each hour pass at an agonizing pace. The remainder of class was filled with silence. Only the sound of turning pages fluttered through the air. At three in the afternoon exactly, Marilyn received the paper of which Cooper had been focusing intently on.

You're not wanted
So leave us be
You won't be around much longer,
Marilyn Lee.
♠ ♠ ♠
That poem was shit. I apologize.

Thank you, any and all readers/commenters/subscribers! <3