Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

Chapter 16: Poor Zacky

Jessi awoke the next morning to something rough and wet moving over her face. When she opened her eyes she saw a still furry Zacky standing over her.

“Why’d you wake me up?” she asked groggy. A rumbling sound came for his belly. “Oh I see”, she laughed.

Zacky moved so she could get up and they made their way down to the kitchen. Alyssa was already up and busy.

“Hey Alyssa. We’ve got another one”, Jessi said smiling and petting Zacky’s head.

“Oh Lord”, Alyssa laughed. She looked down at him for a moment. “Big surprise you’re a black cat”, she said sarcastically.

Zacky just shook his head and walked over to the frig. He sat down and looked at them purposefully.

“You can wait like everyone else”, Alyssa said sternly.

He snorted and pawed at it.

“No means no Zacky. I’ll make something special for you but you’ll eat when everyone else does”.

His tail twitched and he pined his ears back. Although he was trying to go for annoyed, Jessi thought he looked very cute.

“Don’t you get that attitude with me, mister!” Alyssa grabbed a wooden spoon and pointed it in his direction.

Zacky made a grumbling sound and stalked out of the room. Jessi chuckled and followed him to the living room. He was sitting on the couch looking crossly at a blank TV screen. She laughed again before sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote. Zacky laid his head in her lap.

“Awe you poor thing”, she giggled stroking his head.

He made a moaning sigh. She laughed again and turned on the TV. When she got to Deadliest Warrior on Spike he looked up at her with sad, pleading eyes.

“Ok”, she laughed. She liked this show anyway.

Not long after Jimmy walked in and sat in the chair.

“Morning Kitty Cat”, he said brightly.

“Morning Slim Jim”, she smiled back.

“Where’d you get the new pet?” he asked.

Zacky looked at him crossly, his tail twitching.

“Zacky changed last night”, she replied.

“Here kitty kitty kitty”, Jimmy cooed patting his lap.

Zacky bared his teeth a little and pinned back his ears.

“Be nice guys”, Jessi smirked.

Zacky looked up at her, sighed and rested his head back in her lap.

“Good boy”, Jimmy snickered.

“Jimmy”, Jessi warned.

He held his hands up still smirking. Poor Zacky had to endure more torment as each of the guys came in. But he had Jessi there to make sure things didn’t get out of hand. Thankfully everything had calmed down by the time breakfast was ready. Alyssa gave Zacky a large piece of raw steak.

After that Jessi took Zacky out side for training. It was a lot easier with him than it had been with Johnny. Since they were both cats things went much smoother. He picked it up very naturally too. Though she wasn’t surprised about it. She’d heard of the schoolyard scraps the boys would get into. Soon they had drawn a crowd. When it started getting too hot they had to stop. They hung out in her room and watched TV. Zacky was stretched out on her bed and Jessi used him as a pillow again.

*Thanks for helping me with this insanity, babe*, Zacky said liking her face.

*No problem. I know it can be kind of freaky if you’re not use to it*, she smiled rubbing his head.

Zacky made a happy noise and liked her cheek again.
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Sorry for the wait!!! I'm not sure when LonerWolf will be able to update but I'll try to keep up as best I can. Thank you all for reading!!!!!!!
Especially Star Angel Schizzy R. Follese and shasha24 for their wonderful comments!!!!

Ice Cat