Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

Chapter 17: Failed Sneak Attack

The next day they had just finished eating and were about to go out and train when the alarm set to Jessi’s security device went off.

“Dark Stars!” Alyssa cried.

“Go get the guys suited up Alyssa, I’ll hold them off,” Jessi said running towards the door.

*I’ll help, * Zacky said. He still hadn’t changed back.

She nodded, thankful for his help. Normally she would be against it but he was good enough to hold his own with her there. She changed and Alyssa grabbed them before running up stairs with the rest of the guys.

Jessi looked over at Zacky. He nodded and they burst through the door. 15 Dark Stars were heading towards the house. They looked like a more elite group than the last. Jessi let out a vicious snarl and leapt at the closest one. She ripped his throat out. The salty, metallic taste of blood filled her mouth. It made her blood burn. Her battle instincts kicked into over drive. She looked over at Zacky to check on him. He fought with a savagery akin to hers. She and Zacky were cutting a bloody path through their enemies when the others joined them. They made short work of the small group.

Blood stained the creamy, spotted fur around Jessi’s mouth and paws. She had received a few cuts; the worst was a relatively large one to her right shoulder. She limped over to Zacky to check him over.

*Are you ok? * she asked him.

*Yea I’m fine. You’re bleeding though, * he said looking at her shoulder.

*I know. I’ll have Alyssa look at it.*

She walked over to her friend. Alyssa looked down at her and smirked. “Look who the injury prone person is now.”

Jessi pinned her ears back and her tail twitched crossly. Alyssa laughed.

*It ain’t funny. The damn thing hurts! * she said annoyed.

“I’ll take a look at it”, Alyssa said.

They all headed inside. “Is anyone injured?“ Alyssa asked everyone.

“Just a few small cuts,” Jimmy said.

“Same here,” Matt answered.

“Me too,” Johnny said.

“Me three,” replied Brian.

*Me four, * Zacky replied.

“Alright I’m going to tend to Jessi first up in her room. All of you wait in the kitchen,” Alyssa said.

The girls walked up to her room where Jessi changed. She put her clothes back on besides her shirt, deciding to walk around in her green spaghetti strap. They moved into the bathroom where Alyssa began cleaning and dressing her wound.

“That was close,” Alyssa said.


“Should we start thinking about moving the guys?” she asked.

Jessi shook her head. “Not yet. This place still works too well to our advantage in a big fight to leave. If worst comes to worst we can escape behind the back and into the mountains. That should slow down the Dark Stars a bit.”

“On that note, should we at least make sure the guys are good climbers? Not everyone is a natural like you,” she smiled affectionately.

“Good idea. I’ll take Zacky and Matt tomorrow morning and do that while you work with the other three. After a break we can switch,” Jessi said.

Alyssa nodded as she finished up on her shoulder. “Good to go.”


They walked down stares. Alyssa went into the kitchen and took care of the guy while Jessi put all of the bodies into a pile for Alyssa to burn. It was the easiest way to get rid of them. They relaxed for the rest of the day. Jessi patrolled that evening before the sun went down.

Zacky slept with Jessi again that night. She awoke the next morning with a naked rock star in her bed, much to her dismay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi guys! Hope you liked it!!!!!! I decided to hurry and post this chapter.
Big thanks to all of the readers especially shasha24 for her comment.

Ice Cat