Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers


Running the perimeter with Johnny flying overhead, Alyssa sensed something amiss. It had been a week since Brian had transformed and his training was going along perfectly. But something was wrong, and she couldn’t place her finger on it.

“Hey Johnny do you sense that or is it just my nerves getting the better of me?” Alyssa asked Johnny. Seeing from his point of view from the sky, Alyssa saw a vehicle driving up the road to the mansion, it looked like the Berry’s truck.

“Well, maybe you’re just sensing the Berry’s,” Johnny suggested, but even though her senses didn’t seem to agree with her, she just told herself that was it.

“Yeah, maybe you’re right, I don’t smell or see anything down here, and from what I can see through your eyes, it’s clear, let’s get back to the mansion,” Alyssa said, before making a fast u-turn around a tree. Heading towards the road, Alyssa timed a jump just right to land in the bed of the Berry’s pickup truck, which was filled with cases of alcohol.

“Holy crap,” Mat B. exclaimed. Alyssa barked happily at them then laid down while they drove up to the mansion. When they came to a stop, Alyssa jumped out of the back of the truck and walked up to Matt B. “Hey there, nice girl don’t bite.” Alyssa just rolled her eyes at him, but placed her muzzle under his outstretched hand.

“The Berrys are here,” Alyssa let Jessi know. The Berrys had only been out to the mansion one time, previous to the time that Val had come out, and the guys had insisted upon telling the Berrys about the girls being Skin Walkers, so they hade nded up telling them a lomng story about what Skin Walkers were and such, but the Berrys had been skeptical and Alyssa hadn’t wanted to prove it to them so just let them think that everyone at the mansion was going crazy.

Standing there, Alyssa let Matt B. scratch behind her ears, and it’s true, it feels awesome to get your ears scratched when you’re a canine. Alyssa allowed him to scratch, until her leg began to twitch, and of course that was when the band decided to come outside.

“Hey Brian, does she twitch like that in bed, kinda kinky,” Matt teased Brian, and they started laughing. Alyssa walked up to Matt, a low growl emitting from the back of her throat. “Okay okay, sorry. Boy, she’s terrifying in wolf form.”

“Wait, that’s Alyssa?” Jason asked. Alyssa had forgotten that the Berrys hadn’t seen her in wolf form yet, Val had seen her. Alyssa looked at the Berrys and wagged her tail. “Wow, so you guys weren’t delusional when you said you could turn into animals.”

“Yeah, and now only Matt and I are normal,” Jimmy said, looking jealously at Brian, since he was the most resent to have transformed.

“Wait, you guys left out the part where you guys could change too,” Matt B. exclaimed, “What do you guys turn into?”

“Black Leopard,” Zacky said casually.

“Black wolf,” Brian said, “and that thing flying in the sky is Johnny, he’s a griffin. So, what’s that you guys have in the back of the truck?” Getting a huge grin on his face, Jason grabbed out a Jack Daniel’s bottle out of a box full of other alcoholic goodies. Oh, boy, Alyssa thought.

“Well, being today is Brian’s birthday, we thought we’d come out and celebrate the right way,” Jason said, with a devilish grin. Why the hell did everyone that had anything to do with the band have to be so flipping hot!?!?

“Brian, it’s your BIRTHDAY?!,” Alyssa said using her telepathy.

“Well, yeah,” Brian said, trying to act as though it was no big deal, “So, did you guys bring me anything special, I mean besides Jack Daniels.”

“We got you some vodka,” Matt B. said casually looking through some other bags, and a smile spread over Brian’s face, “oh, and some black liquorish stuff.” Alyssa cringed at the thought of how horrible that stuff must taste.

“Well could someone open the door so I can go inside and change,” Alyssa said while scratching at the front door. Jessi walked up and opened the door for her, and then went back outside to help bring in the “presents” for Brian.

When Alyssa got to her room she kicked the door shut and transformed back into her human form. Running her hand over her now healed ribs she walked over to her closet. Opening the door she thought over what she wanted to wear for Brian’s special day, and settled on a dress her mom had given her on one of her previous birthdays. The material of the dress was as soft as silk, in a very deep shade of red. The dress draped half way down her thighs, and the top was modeled after the dress Bell, from the Disney cartoon Beauty and the Beast, wore in the ball scene.

“Wow, someone wants to look sexy,” Jessi teased from the door way causing Alyssa to jump, “You going to put on your best pear of high heels too?”

“Well actually I was thinking about going barefoot,” Alyssa laughed as she sat on the bed brushed out her hair before throwing up half of her hair in a ponytail.

“Wow you’re a dork,” Jessi laughed before leaving the room.

“Oh, wait Jessi,” Alyssa called out to her friend.

“Yeah,” Jessi said popping her head in the door.

“Are you planning on helping with the ‘presents’ in any way?” Alyssa asked. Jessi just gave Alyssa a devilish grin before leaving the room once more, “Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.”

After the sun had begun to go down, the same could said of the contents of many tequila bottles, along with vodka, gin, rum, and whiskey. Matt B., Jessi, Zacky, and Johnny were sitting at the kitchen table playing a version or arms, where they took turns punching each other and whoever fell out of their chair had to take a shot of liquorish vodka; and seeing as the bottle was almost empty, people were falling out of their chairs without even being struck. Looking out into the living room, Alyssa saw the rest of the guys relaxing on the couch’s talking about random things that didn’t make sense as Jimmy kept blowing bubbles with his saliva.

Deciding everyone was doing fine on their own, Alyssa slipped down a side hallway to the room where the band kept a little recording area that had a very nice piano that Alyssa had fallen in love with over the course of their stay. Placing her fingers on the familiar keys, Alyssa began t play the piano duet from the movie, The Corpse Bride. It was one of her most favorite piano melodies, and she had learned the sound from watching the movie over and over, to see what notes they hit and had been able to write down her own notes on a piece of paper. Then she taught herself how to play and now could play it from memory.

After play two more songs, a shadow fell across the piano startling Alyssa as she had gone into a tune vision moment where only her fingers and the piano existed. Looking up, she saw a very drunk Brian standing next to her with a puppy grin spread over his face.

“Hi,” Alyssa said trying not to burst out laughing.

“Hi,” Brian said, “may I sit with you?” And before she could answer, one of his knees gave out under him and he fell to the floor with a dumbfound look on his face when he found himself on the ground and Alyssa couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Getting up, Alyssa helped Brian over to the piano bench and then sat down next to him.

Before she could begin to play, Brian turned sideways and laid his head on her lap with his face staring straight up at her, “While you play me a lullaby?”Alyssa laughed, but then after sitting there for a moment, she began to play a song she had been composing for the past couple months. The melody was simple and flowed like a stream in the mounts during the spring. The tempo was a steady and slow throughout, but Alyssa still hadn’t been able to find a good way to end the song and ended up just replaying the beginning once more before playing an E flat cord. She still didn’t like the way it sounded, but it was an ending for the time being.

Looking down, she saw Brian still wide eyed staring up at her.

“You’re gooooooddd,” Brian said with a slur due to his drunkenness and Alyssa laughed.

“You’re cute when you’re drunk you know,” Alyssa laughed, just before leaning over and kissing him. After a while, Alyssa helped the drunkereds to their rooms for the night then went to her own room to get some rest.

“Boy, what a party,” Alyssa laughed to herself just before turning out her bedside light and drifting off to sleep.
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Lol:) i hope all of you are enjoying reading the story as much as jessi and i are having fun writting it. Please comment