Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

Hang Overs

Alyssa felt as if she had just drifted off to sleep went there was a low echoing bang emitting from the front of the house; the sun had yet to rise as her room was still engulfed in shadows. Quietly, Alyssa slipped from her bed, unsure if the noise had been from a dream or if it was real. Opening her door, Alyssa slipped into the hallway, even though she wasn’t feline she was still capable of slinking down the hallway without making a noise.

Passing Jessi’s room, Alyssa saw that Jessi was still passed out. If Jessi had been sober, she would have awoken just as Alyssa had, but being she had passed out due to drunkenness, Jessi still lay in her bed, snoring. Alyssa hesitated in front of Jessi’s door, debating if she should wake her friend in case there was something or someone downstairs. Finally, Alyssa decided that Jessi wouldn’t be much help in her current condition and continued on her way downstairs to where the noise seemed to have come from.

Descending the stairs, Alyssa heard another loud bang resonating from the front of the house, as if someone were trying to break down the front door. Reaching out her thoughts, Alyssa tried t contact Jessi, but to no avail. Her friend was way too drunk still. Looking at a clock on the kitchen wall Alyssa saw that it was 3:11 in the morning. Alyssa hadn’t been able to get everyone to sleep until almost two.

“Lovely,” Alyssa whispered aloud to herself. Of course it would be her luck to have people attack the mansion with a house full of drunk skin walkers that wouldn’t be able to help her. Sneaking through the living room, Alyssa’s nose caught the sulfuric scent of DarkStars. Cursing to herself, Alyssa slipped over to the closet in the living room where Jessi had placed their guns.

While loading one of the repeating rifles, Alyssa reached out her mind to Jessi, just to see how drunk she still might be. Just from the few moments of connection with her friend’s mind, Alyssa had to shake her head from the experience. Not only would Jessi have a splitting headache when she awoke, she would probably need the world strongest coffee to help clear her thoughts.

After loading every gun there was in the closet, Alyssa ventured back upstairs with all the fire arms and made her way to the balcony overlooking the front of the property where at least thirty DarkStars had culminated. The cool morning breeze was on her side as it brushed pasted her face into the hallway at her feet as she lay flat on her stomach getting ready to snip out as many of the DarkStars that she could. Unfortunately for Alyssa, the chokingly strong scent of her enemies made it hard for her to breathe.

Placing the collar of her shirt around her nose, Alyssa slipped her repeating rifle in between the fencing of the balcony and readied herself to shoot what seemed to be the DarkStar leading the others, when another mind pressed against her with such ferocity it almost crippled Alyssa. The pain of the mind attack overwhelmed Alyssa so much, she didn’t even notice the gun slam against her right shoulder as is kicked back after she accidentally pulled the trigger. Every muscle in Alyssa’s body cramped up as she tried to fight back the DarkStar who was trying to overcome her mind, it’s prodding thoughts felt as branding hot claws on her mind.

Shooting out an attack of her own, Alyssa felt the grip of her attacker loosen enough to where Alyssa felt it was safe to send out a plea for help to Jessi. And that’s the last thing Alyssa could remember before her world went red and black.

Jessi’s POV

Jessi nearly flew from her bed when Alyssa attacked her already throbbing mind with what felt like a distress call for help. Opening her eyes, the world around her looked and felt like a seesaw, going back and forth as she attempted to crawl out of bed. Her mind pounded against the inside of her skull, her tongue dry in her parched mouth, and her stomach threatening to reject its contents, Jessi attempted to get to her feet.

Her first attempt didn’t encourage her too much as she fell to the floor, her head threatening to break open her skull. With a grunt, Jessi grabbed the edge of a window seal and pulled herself to her feet and stood there for a moment waiting for the room to hold still long enough to tell what was up or down. Jessi had gotten drunk a few times before, but this hangover felt worse than getting your head stepped on by a full grown bull.

After going through the basics of how to walk, such as one foot in front of the other, Jessi slowly made her way to her bedroom door. Just as her hand came into contact with the handle, a tremor went through the house knock Jessi on her ass. Cursing to herself, Jessi swore she would never touch black liquorish flavored vodka ever again and crawled back to her feet.

Throwing open her bedroom door, Jessi stumbled out into the hallway. Looking down the hallway, Jessi saw light streaming from one of the guys room. After thinking it through Jessi remembered that it was one of the guest rooms, and after a moment Matt B came walking out of the room.

“What the hell is going on? Is it an earthquake or something?” he asked with a thick, groggy voice.

“Ugh, not so loud please,” Jessi groined as her head throbbed even stronger, “I think Alyssa needs help, but I'm not sure where’s she’s at?”

“Wait, what do you mean you think?” Matt B. Said.

“She woke me up with a distress call through telepathy, but my head hurts too much for me to even think about using her mind powers,” Jessi said while leaning her head against the cool wall.

“Should we wake the others if there’s something happening?” he asked a little alarmed.

“Yeah,” Jessi said, “Wait, how are you able to think after all you drank last night?”

Matt B. just gave her a weak smile, shrugged his shoulders, and then headed down the hall towards the others rooms to wake them up while Jessi went back in her room to grab her hand and a half sword, just incase she ran into trouble while looking for Alyssa.

Slipping back into the hallway Jessi sniffed the air, searching for any scent of her friend. Her nose caught the scent of sulfur, blood, and………… was that roses? Turning direction, Jessi started walking towards the balcony overlooking the front of the property, where her and Jimmy had ounce water bombed Johnny and Matt.

Rounding the corner Jessi saw one of Alyssa’s black and red painted toenails lying on the carpet, but the rest of her body was hidden from view as it was lying out on the balcony. As she got closer, Jessi realized that every muscle in Alyssa's foot was on the verge of tearing from the strain of cramping up. Poking her head around the door frame, Jessi saw that her friend was curled up in the fetal position, her face contorted with pain.

Looking at Alyssa, Jessi couldn't figure out what was causing her friend to be in so much pain, when it dawned on her, there must be another very strong telepathic person that was a DarkStar. Keeping herself hidden from the view of the DarkStars, Jessi eased herself next to Alyssa and began to scan the grounds below, looking for any DarkStar that might be concentrating as intently as Alyssa did when in training to use her telepathic powers to overcome opponents, something Alyssa hadn't been the best at.

Finally, off towards the back right of a far off group, Jessi caught a glimpse of a male DarkStar, crouched over, his eyes shut tight, looking as if he were constipated, a look Alyssa got constantly when she was concentrating on a mental task with all her might. Grabbing a nearby sniper riffle, most likely there because of Alyssa, Jessi took aim and fired.

Alyssa's POV

The mind pressed against Alyssa's, threatening to destroy her if she but let up her defenses just a tad. The strain began to zap Alyssa's strength, as if she were fighting hand to hand with her opponent. She felt her hands ball into fist, the strain to keep her opponent from getting the better of her almost too much for her to handle. Every second Alyssa fought back her attacker, the weaker her defenses threatened to get, she needed Jessi.
It felt as if she had been fighting against her opponent for hours, when, finally, the pressure of the attack was gone completely. Alyssa felt as if she could pass out, but fought to keep conscious, as she felt herself being dragged onto carpet, away from the concrete of the balcony. With a moan, Alyssa rolled to her side and opened her eyes. Leaning against a wall was Jessi, her head lying on her knees with her face looking at Alyssa.

"Ugh, my head," Alyssa managed to croak, her head throbbed from the exertion of her battle with her opponent.

Jessi smiled, "That's what you get for letting me get that drunk last night. Now you share my pain." A small laugh escaped Jessi lips but quickly turned to a groan as she reached for her head, "Why didn't you come and get me?"

"Well you were so out of it," Alyssa explained as she finally pushed herself into a sitting position next to Jessi, "I didn't think that you would be too happy about me waking you up with your head being the way it is."

"Yeah, but I also didn't like that distress call either," Jessi complained, "next time, just wake me up."

"No problem," Alyssa laughed, "So, what do we do?"

Jessi sighed, "Not sure at the moment. How many DarkStars did you count?"

"About thirty, maybe more," Alyssa said.

"Fun," Jessi groaned, "I'd hate to give this place up....."

"I know," Alyssa agreed, "it's become like home, not to mention it's an awesome place to fight for the most part. But I think it's about time we got back to camp with the guys. Johnny, Zacky, and Brian need to be properly trained, and not to mention I think Matt's been showing signs these past couple days that he might also be like us. We need help."

“Alyssa, I don’t want to give this place up without a fight,” Jessi complained.

“I know Jessi, but I don’t think that any of us are in the shape to be fighting,” Alyssa pointed out, “fighting with hangovers isn’t a very good idea and I don’t feel like getting killed trying to keep guys from doing something stupid.”

With a heavy sigh, Jessi nodded her head in agreement, and then got to her feet.

“Come on Alyssa we need to get the guys ready to go,” Jessi said defeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long. Enjoy this chapter:)