Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

A Walk in the Woods

Alyssa walked at the head of the group, getting some private time after the four hour long flight on poor Johnny’s back. It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to try and sleep with a sprained arm, which she now had wrapped up and of course everyone kept bugging her about it. After walking around for two hours the guys began to get anxious, and Alyssa couldn’t blame them.

The sky had finally lite up, but they continued to walk in shadows cast by the surrounding forest of trees. Alyssa recognized them from their flight from the camp to California. They had flown over them in the airplane flight to meet the guys.

Finally they came across a stream and Jessi suggested they take a five minute break. The guys sat down on the damp earth near the creek with a grown. Jessi and Alyssa went off to the side to talk in private. When Alyssa walked up she found Jessi pinching the bridge of her nose and her eyes squeezed shut.

“How the hell could I let that happen Alyssa,” Jessi half growled half cried.

“What Jessi?” Alyssa knew it was probably a dumb question, but she wasn’t able to stop the words from flowing from her lips.

“The DarkStars, you almost getting killed……twice,” Jessi said now pacing, “and then to add insult to injury he was there. He almost got the guys and the Zanthian. It was too close and I know that if Mr. McLaughlin had been there he would have chewed my head off.”

“Our,” Alyssa corrected.

“What?” Jessi said, stopping in mid pace to look Alyssa in the eye.

“He would have chewed our heads off,” Alyssa said, “I shouldn’t have allowed you to get drunk like that, and I should have cut everyone off sooner. We’re both at fault. We’re a team.” Alyssa placed a hand on Jessi’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze hoping to help her friend calm down, Jessi just shook her head and began to pace again.

“You don’t understand Alyssa,” Jessi said, shaking her head, her hands clenched so tight her knuckles looked as if they would tear open her skin, “He was there and I could…….. I just….”

Jessi turned her back and hung her head. Alyssa didn’t need to see her friend’s face to know that a few tears had escaped from her eyes.

“Jessi you will get him,” Alyssa said walking forward and placing her hand back on Jessi’s shoulder. Jessi just turned her head so Alyssa couldn’t see her face, “he’s not going to get away with what he did to your family, I can promise you that.”

“Alright,” Jessi said. After letting out a sigh of air she turned and gave Alyssa a bitter smile, “for now we need to think about getting to camp.” Turning, both friends looked at the men they were now protecting. All of them were still in their sleeping clothes (sweats and muscle shirts), except poor Johnny. All Alyssa had been able to grab for him was a pair of boxers and a button down sleeveless shirt. They all seemed so exhausted and lost.

“Jessi I know we were trained to do this kinda stuff, but we need to find another way to the camp, I don’t think the guys can handle much more of this,” Alyssa whispered.

“I know, but what else can we do,” Jessi sighed looking at the guys sprawled out on the ground, “We can’t fly anymore, or else the DarkStars could track us, and we can’t compromise the location of camp.”

“Well, all but the Berrys, Matt, and Jimmy can change, why not have the rest of us transform and the others can ride on Johnny’s back,” Alyssa suggested.

“I don’t know,” Jessi said, “I don’t think it’s fair for the rest of us to walk while those four kick back. Besides I think Johnny’s still exhausted from the trip here with all of us loading him down. He’s going to need a good reprieve from anyone getting on his back.”

“It’s more exhausting to travel on two legs than four,” Alyssa pointed out.

“True,” Jessi agreed, “well, if we do end up doing that, let’s at least let the others rest a little longer, maybe an hour.”

“Wow, you’re not going to be little miss rushin,” Alyssa teased.

“Shut up,” Jessi laughed, then walked off back to the creek. Walking back over to the creek Alyssa found the guys now lounging on the cold water, stripped down to nothing but their boxers. As usual, the girls didn’t mind just sitting back and enjoying the view, but when Alyssa and the others had changed back into their human forms, Alyssa had decided to put on her bathing suit under her clothes and decided that she wanted to take a dip. Getting off the rock she and Jessi had been kicking back on, Alyssa slowly slide her shirt over her head.

“Wow, take a look guys, I think Alyssa’s going to strip,” Jason said, and of course this got the attention of everyone, even Jessi looked over curiously.

“Haha, very funny,” Alyssa said, “I’ve got my bathing suit on okay.” All the guys snapped their fingers in unison, then went back to enjoying the water. But when Alyssa bent over to remove her pants, she felt like she was being watched, stepped out of her pants, she looked over just in time to see about five heads turn really fast to face the other direction. But Brian didn’t seem to feel like he need to turn his head and looked her in the eyes with that crooked smile of his.

Slipping into the water upstream from the guys, Alyssa washed her face. The cool water felt great against her sore feet, bruised skin, and swollen wrist. After sitting there for a little longer, Alyssa heard someone swimming up behind her. Looking around, she found herself face to face with Brian, a small smile played out on his face.

“What are you smiling about?” Alyssa asked.

“I’m just glad we got out of there,” Brian said, but his eyes were wondering around the woods. This confused Alyssa.

“Ummm, Brian, what are you looking at and what’s making you smile?” Alyssa asked grabbing his face to make him look at her.

“Hmmm, oh, just thought that I saw some deer running by,” he said.

“You’re still drunk aren’t you?” Alyssa asked. Brian just gave her a sheepish smile, then continued to look into the woods, hoping for another glance at a running deer. With a scowl, Alyssa got out of the water and walked up to Jessi.

“What was that for?” Jessi asked, trying to hide and amused smile.

“I think Brian’s still a bit drunk, and his wolf side is apparently wanting to hunt as he keeps looking for deer in the woods,” Alyssa said with a slight laugh, “we’d better make sure he doesn’t run off on us.” Jessi just laughed at this before looking back at the others as they had moved up stream to a deeper spot the turned into a light swirling pool.

“We’ll wait til night fall, then we’ll continue,” Jessi said.

“Wait, nightfall, but its only about four pm,” Alyssa said, “why wait so long?”

“I meant during the day we walk, at night we’ll fly,” Jessi said. With a nod, the girls both came to an agreement and waited.
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Once again I apologize the delay, but I have been typing away, I just don't have inernet so I rarely get a chance to post