Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

A Homecoming

After a bit the two girls wondered back into the clearing the guys were sleeping in, both of them with large piles of woods in their arms. The guys were still lying on their blankets passed out as Jessi and Alyssa arranged the wood into a tepee type structure before Alyssa summoned her fire power and lit it. The girls grabbed their blankets and curled up next to the fire. Through unspoken consent, they both lay there, staying awake until Alyssa brothers got there. The stars shinned brilliantly about them, the smoke from the fire swirling around the air.

“It’s nice finally being home,” Alyssa said with a sigh, hidden tensions from their long journey slowly beginning to unwinding.

Jessi laughed, “And human teenager always whine and complain about wanting to leave home,” Jessi sighed before continuing, “They’re idiots if you ask me. Family is all you have sometimes.” As Jessi said this, she looked over at Alyssa with thankful smile.

“Yeah, glad I’ve always got you too……… Kitty Cat,” Alyssa said. Jessi reached over to give her a light hearted punch, when a branch snapped off to their right. They both sat up straight, as a tall, leanly strong built man walked into the fire light. He looked to be at least thirty years of age, but his eyes were hard from many years of fighting, but they still held a certain warmth to them that was welcoming to family.

“James,” Alyssa said as she jumped to her feet and through her arms around her older brother. James wrapped his arms around his sister, bringing her into a bear hug. After a few complaints about not being able to breath, James released his sister, laughing a deep throated laugh as he did. Alex soon came into sight as well, but in his fox form. Alex was a red fox, but at the moment the fur along his spine was a silvery grey.

“I see he’s finally going through his grey stage,” Jessi commented as she rose to her feet and then gave James a side hug. Alyssa looked down at her younger brother, and waited til he wasn’t watching her, when she quickly scooped him up into her arms and burying her facing into his fur. Alex struggled in her arms, trying in vain to escape, while Jessi and James broke out laughing. After a minute, Alex gave up with an annoyed huff and let his head hang over Alyssa arms, glaring at the two laughing at him. The ruckus seemed to have bothered the slumbering band and their roadies, as they all sat up with a start from their blankets.

“What’s going on?” Matt asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Don’t worry guys,” Alyssa said, as fearful looks of weariness spread across their faces, “these two came to watch us while we sleep. They’re from camp.”

“Welcome home, Skin Walkers,” a harsh voice said in the shadows around the camp.
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:) Cliff hanger. Lol, sorry but I couldn't resist! Let me know what you guys think PLEASE:)