Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

A Pissy Moment

A hooded figure stood just outside of the ring of light from the camp fire. The hair on the back of Alyssa’s neck stood on end as she sensed more strangers surrounding them. An evil laugh emitted from the hooded man’s lips as he watched the exhausted travelers form a protective circle around the Berrys, as they hadn’t been trained to fend for themselves against the foes of the Skin Walkers.

“You really are predictable you know?” the man leered, “You always stay in one place, and all the women and children stay there, unprotected as their soldiers are off fighting the war. You make my job too easy.” Standing next to Alyssa, James growled in the back of his throat, his fist clenched by his sides, and his lips pealed back, revealing his sharp canine like teeth, as if he wanted nothing more than to bury his teething into the DarkStar’s flesh.

*What are they doing here?* Alyssa asked James with her telepathy.

*I don’t know, and I don’t think I’m gonna asked either,* he growled back through their connection.

*But James, if they truly have figured out where our hideout is, then we need to know how they know,* Alyssa pointed out.

*Well James, you’re the oldest here, what the hell should we do?* Jessi asked as she was pulled into their private conversation.

*Kill the leader and the others, we can’t afford a fight right now with you guys as exhausted as you are now,* James said after thinking things through, *You might do something regretful.*

“Ummm hello,” Matt B. said nervously from within the protective circle, “You guys going to just stand there and stare them down, or are you going to take these guys down?”

*James?* Alex said with Alyssa help, *I think I could take them.*

*Alex what the hell are you talking about?* Jessi and Alyssa stated at the same time.

*Oh yeah, I almost forgot* James said with a toothy grin spreading across his face, *While you two were off on you first mission, baby boy over here discovered his second power.* Alyssa felt Alex’s annoyance at his nickname, but nodded his fox head in agreement.

*Alright, but I ain’t movin’ until I know you’re okay* Alyssa said setting Alex back down on the ground, while never taking her eyes off of the intruders.

“Oh, is that your little pet?” a DarkStar mocked off somewhere behind Alyssa.

“Sick’um boy,” James said, glowering into the darkness before them. And in a blink of an eye, Alex ripped the throats out of at least ten DarkStars, before wearily coming back into the fire light.

“James,” Alyssa yelled, “Why the hell did you have Alex do that?! If he just found this power then he shouldn’t be using it yet! He could have died doing that!”

“Wooow, chill miss over-protective-big-sister,” James said raising his hands, “Alex has been training with Anna for at least a month. Besides, he said he could do it.”

“Oh yeah, and if I told you I could breathe under water would you let me drown myself?” Alyssa through back at him.

“Alright sorry,” James said with a slight laugh, “Maybe I should have had all of you half burned and worn out ‘warriors’ fight them off.”

“Fuck you,” Brian snapped.

James raised an eyebrow and looked Brian over, “And who are you to be talking to me like that?”

“I’m Synyster Gates, and I can talk as I damn so please,” Brian said, as he puffed out his chest and stepped forward.

“Awww fuck,” Jessi whispered, “Wolves.” James’ eyes darkened as he stepped towards Brian, his jaw clenched and his fist once more balled.

“Guys,” Alyssa said calmly as she watched the two come face to face.

“You know, I could tear you apart,” James snarled, his face only inches away from Brian’s. Brian’s nostrils flared out, his jaw clenched so tight, the muscles looked as if they might rip.

“You’ll have to get throw us first pal,” Jimmy said stepping forward and taking his place by his best friend, followed by the rest of the band members, including the Berrys. Everyone was flexing their muscles, as if they were preparing to tear apart James. Brian and James still stood before each other, their noses a hair’s width apart.

Stepping forward, Alyssa shoved herself between her brother and Brian, “Alright that’s enough,” Alyssa yelled facing Brian and the band members. Brian glared down at Alyssa, probably pissed at the fact that she was standing by James’ side and not his.

“We’re all a little tired,” Alyssa said, “I think it’s time for us to get back to sleep. Now come on, I’m not in the mood to have to fight you guys.”

“Fight us?” Johnny asked confused, “You would choose that guy over us?”

“Hell yeah she’s going to choose her brother over your dumb asses,” Jessi said as she stood off to the side, her arms crossed over her chest and a deep scowl etched into her face. This seemed to take everyone off guard as they look James over again. It took a little while, and few glares from Jessi and James before they were finally able to get everyone laying down and sleeping.

Finally, Alyssa was able to curl up next to the camp fire, and a really tired and worn out Alex (still in fox form) curled up next to her and they drifted off to sleep together.
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Here ya go:)