Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

Morning Wake Up Call

A week had gone by while the band members got used to their new surroundings. During that time Alyssa hadn’t seen much of the band members as she was almost always busy in the healing tent or being with her family. But this morning Alyssa found herself walking to the other end of camp, heading to Jessi’s cabin. She just hoped that she wouldn’t find Jessi and Zacky doing anything.

The morning air was cool as the sun rose off to the east, the cool grass soft on her bare feet. After climbing a small hill, Alyssa saw Jessi’s cabin, along with a few others. The lights weren’t on in the cabin, so Alyssa was sure that she would be waking Jessi up. Unfortunately since Alyssa’s father had forbade Jessi from using anyone’s telepathy, this also meant that Alyssa wasn’t allowed to send her massages so she hadn’t been able to inform Jessi of her father’s plans the previous night. He wanted the girls to get the guys training start today.

After knocking on the door a few times with no respond, Alyssa opened the door and popped her head in, “Jessi, time to get up. I needs to talk with you.” A soft snore came from the couch and Alyssa noticed that Zacky was sprawled on the couch, but there was no Jessi. Slipping into the house, Alyssa closed the door behind herself and headed towards the bedroom. Peeking into the room, Alyssa saw Jessi cocooned in her blanks. With a mischievous grin, Alyssa creped over to the bed before jumping on top of the unsuspecting Jessi.

“Holy shit!” Jessi yelled from be nether her covers. Alyssa clamped her mouth shut, fitting the urge to laugh as Jessi flayed around below her, “Zacky I’m going to kick your ASS when I get out of my blankets.” And with that, Alyssa busted out laughing, no longer able to hold it in. She was laughing so hard that she rolled off of Jessi and onto the floor, holding her sides she was laughing so hard.

“Alyssa, what the hell?” Jessi said as her arms and head finally emerged from the blankets, “What are you doing here?”

After catching her breath, Alyssa answered her, “I came here to inform that dad wants us to start training the guys. Or at least get them introduced to their instructors.”

“Well shit, I’m awake now,” Jessi said with a shake of her head, “Why didn’t you tell me last night? I would have gotten up and gotten the others ready.”

“Dad’s still being grumpy with the telepathy thing,” Alyssa responded with a shrug, “So, why’s Zacky sleeping on the couch? I would have expected to find you two curled up together.”

Jessi shook her head, “He was getting too frisky last night so I made him sleep on the couch.” Alyssa shook her head laughed, imagining Zacky exiting her room with his tail tucked between his, in a sense.

“Well, why don’t you and Zacky get ready and I’ll go get the others up,” Alyssa said getting to her feet. Jessi nodded her head before climbing from bed. Leaving Jessi’s room Alyssa found Zacky sitting up on the couch rubbing his eyes.

“Well hello there stranger,” Zacky said with a yawn.

“Hello to you too Mr. Frisky,” Alyssa said with a smile and wave before leaving the cabin. Two cabins were built to the right of Jessi’s. Alyssa walked over to the one right next door. Just as at Jessi’s, no one answered when she knocked on the door. Cracking open the door, Alyssa looked around. The furnishings were close to the same as Jessi’s home, but there was a pile of cloths pushed against the far left wall, along with some magazines tossed around the room. Walking in, Alyssa looked into the kitchen and saw that the sink had some dirty dishes left in it and someone had left the orange juice out on the counter.

Alyssa just smiled and shook her head. This was definitely Jimmy’s cabin, as this was the way Jimmy’s house tended to look. There was only one bedroom with one in the cabins, but some of the walkers had brought over a bunk bed so that there would be plenty of space for the guys. The Berrys were using the bunk bed while Jimmy was on the twin size bed, his feet sticking over the edge.

“Good morning boys,” Alyssa said while also knocking on the wooden frame of the door. A moan of protest came from each of the guys as they rolled over in bed, “Come on guys, its six and you should be awake already, come on up up up.” Alyssa said, this time going into the room and poking Jimmy.

“Are you insane, who wakes up willingly at six in the morning,” Jason complained as Alyssa walked over and poked him and his brother.

“You’re in a Skin Walker camp, besides the Possums and a few other nocturnal types, we all wake up bright and early,” Alyssa stated pulling Jimmy to his feet.

“I thought wolves were nocturnal creatures?” Matt B said while stretching.

“They can be, but when your family is the leader of the camp you tend to be more of a morning creature,” Alyssa laughed, “Okay well let’s get some coffee in your guys’ system before I head over and get the others up.” This only took a couple minutes, then Alyssa was out the door heading to the last cabin. When she got there, she was shocked to find Brian already awake sitting out on the porch.

“Hey you,” Brian said giving her a small smile. They hadn’t really talked since the night Brian and James had almost gotten into a fight.

“Hey, well at least I won’t have to fight you to get up,” Alyssa said, “Are the others up?”

“Matt’s on the phone with Val, she called him and it woke us all up. Matt and his stupid Barbie Girl ringtone,” Brian said, “So, Alyssa, about what happened between me and your brother.”

“It’s okay,” Alyssa said, “Firstly we were all tired. But I think what really set you two off was the fact that you two have Alfa personalities. Two Alfa wolves getting together like that is never a good idea. Honestly I’m used to it. James and dad tend to get into it on occasion.” Brian just gave her an apologetic smile with puppy eyes. This made Alyssa laugh.

“I’m sorry,” he said getting up pulling her into a hug, “You know, it’s was weird waking up this past week and not finding you in the kitchen. I missed you.” Brian leaned down and gave her a light kiss. Alyssa’s heart fluttered slightly, she hadn’t realized it, but she’d missed getting a morning kiss from him. Keeping one arm around Alyssa’s shoulder, Brian led her inside where John was just getting out of the bathroom, only a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Hey sexy,” Alyssa teased him.

“Hey Alyssa,” Johnny said with a smile, “Do we finally get eat some real food this morning instead of Brian’s lame cooking.”

“Hey, it’s better than your stuff Short Shit,” Brian stated.

“Sure, I’ll cook everyone a light breakfast before training begins,” Alyssa said as she headed to the kitchen where she found Matt on the phone with Val.

“Yeah babe I know, but right now it’s better for you to go and stay with your parents,” Matt was saying, “No, your parents might know how to avoid those bastards. I’d just feel better if you had someone looking out for you, incase those monsters try anything okay……. Yeah I know…… Kay…… Yeah love you too babe, call me later if anything happens okay? ...... Love you, Bye.”

“Everything okay with Val?” Alyssa asked.

“Yeah,” Matt said throwing his phone down on the table, “Just wish we could have gotten her here with us. I mean from what you and Jessi say about the DarkStars, they might just go after Val.”

“I’m sure Val will be fine Matt,” Alyssa said giving him a comforting hug, “I know this doesn’t really fix anything, but for what it’s worth I’m sorry you guys were dragged into this.”

“I’m not,” Brian said from the doorway.

“I’m not either, I just want to know that she’s safe,” Matt said. Alyssa gave Matt’s shoulder a quick squeeze before heading over to the fridge and looking to see what there was too cook. Apparently when Jessi said that her father had made sure the band got everything they needed she wasn’t kidding. Their fridge was stuffed full of produce and fresh meat, though the meat was most likely for when Matt had been stuck as a cougar. In no time, Alyssa had sausage links, bacon, and eggs fried up for the guys.