Status: Active but maybe a little slow

Rockin Skin Walkers

Chapter 9: Welcome to the Family

The days seem to fly by and before too long a week had passed. Everyone had been keeping pretty busy but today just felt like an relaxing kind of day. Since it was almost impossible that the Dark Stars would attack so soon the girls go to relax too and Jessi had set up a early warning system so they weren't constantly patrolling. Jessi was wondering around the house when she way Jimmy standing on the balcony in his room. She'd gotten rather close to him and Zacky over the past week.

"Hey Slim Jim. What's up?" she smiled as she stood next to him and looked at the pool.

"Hi Kitty Cat. Just thinking", he replied smiling.

"Oh. Am I interrupting something?" she asked

"No you're fine".

"Ok cool. So I'm going to call you Slim Jim now", laughed Jessi. "It fits you".

"Then I get to call you Kitty Cat", he chuckled.


"Because you turn into a big kitty cat. It's either that or Snow Ball", he grinned mischievously.

"Kitty Cat it is", she replied.

They were silent.

"It's so weird to think how much has changed in a week", Jimmy noted. "One day we're regular old rock stars and the next we're freaking hiding from people who want to kill us over some seemingly worthless, old key and being guarded by two mysterious women who can turn into animals. If someone had told me this would happen a week ago, I woulda thought I had finally found someone crazier than me".

"There's such a thing as a regular old rock star?" Jessi asked arching her eyebrow.

"You get my point", he laughed lightly.

She nodded. "I'm sorry all of this had to be thrown on you guys all at once. We planned to gradually introduce it all so you wouldn't be overwhelmed. Honestly though, ya'll are handling this a lot better than most people would".

"I like the mystery and adventure stuff. It's exciting!"

"I'm glad you see it that way and I hope the others do too".

"Shit. Everyone's having a blast."


"Yea. I mean how many people get to go on an adventure like this, especially with pretty girls like you!"

"Jimmy", Jessi laughed and pushed him a little.

He laughed.

"Brian doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Alyssa's got him chasing his tail...well actually her tail".

"She's the same way. She doesn't quite know how to make heads or tails of him either".

"He's not the only one tripping over himself", he said eyeing her with a grin.

"Who else?" she asked confused.

"You can't tell me you haven't seen Zacky staring at you this whole time", he smirked.

"What? Really?"

"Uh yea! I think you fascinate him. He's old fashion and you're a mixture of that and your own unique flare. Keeps him on his toes. What about you?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Ummm umm I haven't really thought about it", she laughed a bit awkwardly. "I think he's an interesting guy and he's easy on the eyes".

"Awe you're shy. Don't worry this stays between us. Zacky would kill me if he found out I told you", chuckled Jimmy.

"Good", she breathed a sigh of relief, she would get to that in good time.

They were silent for a moment.

"Ya know as crazy as it sounds, I'm glad those psychos are after us...well kinda", he said.

She cocked her head to the side questioningly.

"Well if they hadn't then we woulda never met you or Alyssa. That's a sad thought cuz I like you guys. A lot", he smiled warmly looking down at her. "Funny how in such a short time you can make two great friends under the right conditions".

"Awe Slim Jim", she said wrapping her arm around his skinny middle in a one armed hug as his went around her shoulders. He dwarfed her

He laughed lightly. Just then they heard the door below them open and Matt and Johnny came walking out into the back yard. He had no idea they were up there.

"Stay here. Shh", Jimmy put his finger to his lips and grinned before sneaking back inside.

He can back with a pair of water balloons. Jimmy grin spread to Jessi. He handed her one and they leaned over the edge. The two were standing right beneath them. Silently they dropped the balloons. Jimmy's hit Johnny and Jessi's hit Matt.

"What the fuck!?!" they protested looking up, but by then they had already ran inside.

Jessi heard Matt and Johnny come back in.

"Ooooh Jimmy. Where are you?" Matt called from below.

They ducked down the hall towards Jessi's room but they had to go past the staircase.

"There they go!" Johnny cried.

Jessi "eeped" as she ran down the hallway with Jimmy. They were both laughing hysterically. Matt and Johnny had reached the top and she could here them behind her. Just then they turned a corner and Jimmy pulled her down another hallway. They made it back to the staircase and went thundering down and into the laundry room where Zacky was.

"What in the world is going on?" he laughed seeing the two panting.

"We threw water balloons at Matt and Johnny and now their after us", Jessi laughed.

"But they'll never take us alive!!! Right Kitty Cat?" Jimmy let out an evil laugh.

"Right Slim Jim", she said.

Zacky just looked at them like they were crazy. They heard Johnny and Matt coming down the stairs just as Alyssa and Brian opened the door.

"What's all the racket?" she asked.

"There!" Matt said pointing at them.

"Run!" Jimmy cried as they ran out the door and into the huge, grassy back yard.

Jessi ran and grabbed the hose at the other end of the yard and pointed it at the guys who had followed the fugitives outside. It had a spray gun on it and Jimmy was turning the water on.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" Jessi warned.

"What now bitches?" Jimmy laughed.

"This!" Matt replied grabbing another hose and shooting at him.

Jimmy screamed and ducked. Jessi turned the gun on and sprayed Matt who turned to spray her. Johnny came running up to tackle her but Jimmy grabbed him and threw him in the pool.

"Hey guys. Maybe we should all get our swim suits on if you guys are gonna get soaked", Alyssa said stepping outside.

"Pool party!!!" Jimmy screeched.

Everyone laughed and went inside to change. Jessi put on her blue with black leopard spotted bikini top and pair or bottoms under her swim trunks. She walked down stairs only to be scooped up by Jimmy and thrown over his shoulder.

"Come on Kitty!" he said excitedly.

"Slim Jim your bony shoulders hurt", she gasped as it dug into her belly.

"Hold your breath", he giggled as he jumped into the massive pool with her still on his shoulder.

The water was perfect for that hot day. Jessi came up right after Jimmy did. She saw Zacky cannonball off the diving board. Matt was right behind him. Since Alyssa was still bandaged up she stretched out on a chair with Brian beside her as faithful as any dog. Just then some one grabbed Jessi's foot and pulled her under. When she came up Zacky was nearby laughing. She stuck out her tongue and splashed him.

"Ha", she laughed.

And so began their splashing fight. It soon spilled over to the other guys and became an all out war. Somehow it got to be Jessi, Jimmy and Zacky against Matt and Johnny. Alyssa must have talked Brian into leaving her because he soon jumped in to aid the loosing team.

They played in the pool for hours. Brian popped in and out between Alyssa and the insanity of everyone in the pool. Just as dusk was falling Alyssa called that dinner was ready and they all grabbed towels and headed inside after a fun day.
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XD you have no idea how much fun this was to write! Jimmy is just a blast! Doesn't the nickname Slim Jim just fit him perfectly? I love this chapter. How about you guys?
Thanks so much to Kiss Me;Kill Me for the comment! Comments make our worlds go around =3

Ice Cat