
Chapter 2: Charlie's Usual Day

Charlie didn’t expect much from this day. Just another Thursday. The sun was shining, as usual. The air was warm, as it was everyday of spring in Mississippi. And her parents were downstairs talking as they drank coffee, waiting for their little 14 year old, blonde hair, girl to come tromping down the stairs. They were not surprised when she slid into a seat next to her dad in a white, paint splattered, skull Tee-Shirt that hung loosely over her shoulders, revealing the straps of a black tank top, dark skinny jeans, and black converse. She hardly had any make up on except for her dark eyeliner, and a tad of blush. She hated getting ready, and was particularly tired, so her hair was in a messy ponytail. Charlie drowsily reached for her cup of coffee her parents had made for her. “Sleep well last night, sweetie?” Her dad inquired, pushing his round glasses up his thin nose. Charlie shrugged. “Had another nightmare,” she admitted quietly, sipping the bittersweet drink in her signature black mug. “Why are you having all these nightmares?” Her mother asked, fingering Charlie’s natural blonde hair absently. Again, Charlie shrugged. “Too much sugar before bed?” Her mother suggested. “Maybe…” Charlie set her cup down, looked at her phone to check the time, then stood. “it’s 7:30,” she said, walking to the door, snatching her book bag from beside the door. “Bye, you guys,” she called over her shoulder, opening the door. “Love you.” She walked down the sidewalk, just as she did every morning. Made it to school at the exact same time, 7:45. Jerked open her stubborn locker door, grabbing her Algebra book, and making her way to the library to do her job. She worked in the library with the librarian, Ms. Thomes, checking in and out books. It was a simple enough job since no one usually read. Not out of the library anyway. Ms. Thomes had a tendency to get a bit cranky at kids who couldn’t finish a book like Gone With the Wind in three days, which, Charlie admitted, couldn’t do either. She walked into the library, taking her seat in front of the computer beside Ms. Thomes desk, and opened her Algebra book to do some forgotten homework. “Hey, babe.” Charlie resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she looked up at the school bully smirking cockily at her. “Hey, Josh,” she muttered. “Do need to check out?” She realized she set herself up the moment she said the words. “I’ve already checked you out.” He said, laughing. Charlie bit her tongue to suppress her need to yell at him for bothering her. “Then I suggest you take your ego somewhere else,” she said curtly, “because you’re kind of holding up the line.” She gestured her eyes to a boy behind Josh. The curly haired, tall jock turned around to the cowering seventh grader, obviously knowing exactly who Josh Marker was. “Hey, Cody,” Josh said in a mock friendly voice. Charlie finally rolled her eyes, realizing she made the mistake of pointing out a perfect target. “Josh, please leave him alone.” “Hold for a sec babe,” Josh said, turning fully around to step up to him, putting a strong hand on his shoulder. Cody trembled like a leaf, familiar with Josh’s handy work. “H-h-hi, J-J-J-Josh.” “You have anything for me today?” He asked. Cody immediately reached in his pocket, fishing out a ten dollar bill and handed it to Josh. Before Josh could snatch it out of his hand, Charlie stole it from him.” You can’t just take people’s money, Josh,” Charlie said, putting the money behind her back. Josh smiled. “You just did.” “Yes, but I’m giving it back,” she clarified. “Now go away before Ms. Thomes comes back in here.” Josh chuckled, punching Cody’s arm ‘playfully’. Cody, expecting a powerful blow, yelped in surprise. “Love a chick that can stand up to me.” With a final glance at Charlie, Josh left the library. Cody sighed in relief and Charlie returned his money. “Don’t let Josh scare you,” Charlie said. “He’s just a big bully who thinks he’s got balls of steel.” Cody laughed weakly, taking the money and slipping it gingerly back into his pocket. “Th-thanks Charlie. I wouldn’t have had any lunch if it wasn’t for you.” Charlie smiled, going back to her Algebra homework.
“You sure she’s here?” Aislyn asked, looking at all the kids their age, walking from every direction of the tight hallways. Her friend shrugged, clearly thinking. Aislyn looked to her other friend, who was occupied with flipping his messy blonde hair out of his eyes. Aislyn couldn’t help but think Kane looked so adorable as a human. She shook the thoughts from her head and confided in him. “Do you think this is the place?” She asked him. “For what?” Kane asked dimly, watching a brunette walk past him. Aislyn slapped his arm. Hard. “Ow!” He grabbed his arm. “What?” “Pay attention!” She snapped. “Do you think she’s here?” “I don’t know,” Kane huffed. “Ask our 'leader' over here.” Aislyn faced her quiet, tall, dark haired friend. “Is she here?” She asked again, certain she’d get an answer this time. Cethen nodded. “She’s here.”