
Chapter 4: Nerezza's Plan

Charlie searched frantically through her book bag. "Where did I put it," Charlie mumbled aloud. Her writing form was missing. She couldn't get a new one. She just got it yesterday from a Career assembly and they said they weren't going to give extras to the school since only three people showed up to the writing group. "Excuse me," she heard a voice behind her say. She snapped straight and turned around to face the strangely too familiar blue eyes. "I think you dropped this in Algebra class." He said, handing her the said form. Charlie released a relived sigh and smile. "Oh, thank you. I was just looking for it." She took the form gratefully. "H-how did you know it was mine?" Cethen gave her an amused smirk. "The name at the bottom gave me a hint, but I'm usually good at these things anyway." Charlie laughed. "Well thank you. I was looking all over for it." She mumbled this last part, but Cethen heard it anyway. "Why is it so important?" Charlie shrugged. "I wanna be a writer, and the best start would be to go to writing school." "Writing books?" He asked. "Maybe. I kinda like journalism..." Charlie suddenly wondered why she was telling him all these things. She hardly told her friend Amy any of these things. “I’m sorry,” she said, slipping the form in her book bag again. “I tend to ramble. Anyway, I have to get to class.” She put the strap on her right shoulder and gave him a polite wave. “Thanks for giving me back the form,” she said. Cethen nodded. “Anytime.” And walked away. Charlie watched him for a few moments before turning to go to her class. She was stopped by a hard wall of leather. “Hey, babe.” Charlie resisted rolling her eyes as she backed away from Josh. “I have to get to class,” she said, not in the mood to take his sarcastic compliments. “I know, I know,” he assured, catching her arm as she passed, “I heard the bell. I just want to talk.” “Can’t we talk after class?” She asked, slipping her arm out of his grasp. “Sweet,” he said, giving her a smug smirk that made her hand itch to slap him. “Just meet me at the benches after the final bell.” He gave her a wink as she briskly passed him with a venomous, “Sure, whatever.”
Nerezza couldn’t help but smirk in pride at her terrific acting. Playing a cocky douche was easier than expected. She brushed the curly brown bangs from her eyes as she watched the youth blonde hurry away. With another smirk she turned around to walk into a secluded hallway. Pulling away from the body, Nerezza winced. Possessing was more painful than it sounds. She bit her tongue to keep from making a sound as she released the body of the human youth. The pain melted as she looked down at the body below her. He was unconscious now, but he’d wake up. Nerezza grimaced as she remembered she’d have to possess him later. But she was not going to stay in the body of a human all day. Much less a male. Just acting like him just made her IQ drop twenty points.
Charlie wrung her hands nervously as she watched the clock. Why on the day she wanted it to go slow, it felt like the clock was just racing to get to the final bell. She didn’t really know why she was so anxious on meeting with Josh. What’s the worst he can do, besides be himself? Oh…what she wouldn’t do to keep her No Tardy record. Charlie cringed irritably as the clock read 3:08. One minute till the bell. But usually the bell rang on the twelve, so she had two minutes- RRRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG! Charlie shot daggers at the traitorous clock as she slapped her book bag on her back and stormed out of the classroom. She decided to just sit at the benches and wait for Josh. Hopefully, his jerky instincts would kick in and he wouldn’t show up. She checked her watch. 3:14. Ugh. Even her own wristwatch was a traitor. Josh just better be glad she walked home, or she wouldn’t have even considered seeing him. The thought sent shudders down her spine. Maybe Josh wasn’t so bad though, she considered. She always felt she was harsh on him. But he seemed to be…decent to her. Then her thoughts lapsed to, why. Josh had been decent to her since six grade. But he was just so mean to everyone else. Maybe Charlie would mention that to him today. She wondered why he wanted to talk anyway. Probably another fast talking way to get her to date him. The answer would be no. Its always no. “Hey babe.”