
Chapter 5: And Unusual Twist to a Usual Day

Charlie jumped in her seat and turned around. Her eyes followed Josh as he walked around the bench and sat down beside her. “Hi Josh what did you want to talk about?” She avoided eye contact, watching the few students lingering around the cars. None of them were watching them. They were too busy with their own lives to even notice that the little blonde’s life was running quite short.
“Nothing much,” Nerezza answered. She was still contemplating on whether to kill her in the boy’s body or as herself. She just couldn’t help but long to do it herself. She’s only killed a few men, but killing someone as important as this would be such a step up. She watched Charlie stare at her feet as she decided how to do this. Nerezza knew Cethen was around so it’d have to be quick. She was too excited. Quickly and painfully pulled away from the boy. He dropped hard onto the ground. Charlie gasped, kneeling beside Josh’s body. “Josh?” She squeaked. “Josh, wake up!” Nerezza watched with an amused smirk as she felt her body once again materialize. Charlie didn’t notice at first, she was too worried about Josh to see a tall girl with black hair and pale skin looming over her. “He’s fine.” Nerezza said, making her presence known. Charlie’s head snapped towards her in shock. “He’s just unconscious. It’s you, you need to worry about.” Before Charlie could say anything, she was jerked up by her hair. Nerezza enjoyed torturing her victims before giving them a quick death. “Who are you?” Charlie screeched, standing on her tip toes to reduce the pain of her hair being yanked. “No one of real importance to you.” Nerezza stated airily. “Wha-what did I do? And what happened to Josh?” Charlie demanded, trying to pry Nerezza’s fingers from her hair. She only gripped harder. “Your birth alone is enough reason to do away with you, child. And possessing takes a lot out of a human. And twice in one day, I’m surprised the poor boy is still breathing.” Charlie gave her a horrified look. “Are you a witch?” She asked. Nerezza laughed, cold and quiet. “Not quite. But that’s a term you can call me since you won’t be living long enough to learn what I really am.” Charlie began to kick and scream. But the few people who were there, were gone now. Nerezza gripped Charlie’s hair and flung her to the ground. Charlie’s vision blacked for a moment, but the weight of what was happened sunk in and she began to struggle to get away. She was rewarded with a kick in her stomach. She almost retched but first she gasped for breath. “Struggling will get you no where, child.” “Child?” Charlie gasped. “You-you can’t be th-that much older than me!” Nerezza laughed. “Is that what you’re worried about at a time like this?” Charlie wondered that too. “Please,” she begged, sitting up. “What did I do to make you want to kill me so much?” “Like I said. Your breath is the very reason we need to stop it.” “We?” Nerezza gave a coy laugh. “Whoops. I’ve said too much. Now I suppose is the perfect time to-” “Leave her alone? That’d be a nice gesture.” Nerezza snapped around. Charlie peered past Nerezza’s legs to see the three new kids. Kane was the one who had spoken and Charlie was grateful. She wondered if she should try to escape now but she was too curious to see why they were here. Nerezza’s fists clenched. “Hello, brats.” She forced. “Hey, Nezzie,” Kane smiled, giving her a small wave. “Don’t call me that.” She snapped. “Its too late, anyway,” Nerezza said. “I’m glad you could make it here, brat, just as I kill your last hope for any light.” Charlie gave herself a puzzled look at this statement. This Nervana, or what ever her name is, chick is crazy… “I don’t think so,” Aislyn said. “Nice comeback,” Kane muttered to Aislyn. “What else was there?” She snapped. “I didn’t hear you say anything.” Kane opened his mouth to say something but Cethen interrupted. “Guys, really?” He hissed. “Sorry,” they mumbled simultaneously. “So immature,” Nerezza stated. “I always wondered why it was you who held the talent.” “Because I wasn’t a stuck up bitch ready for bloodshed,” Cethen spat. Before Charlie could even blink, Nerezza jumped to Cethen, knocking him down on the ground. Cethen kicked his legs, rolling them over so that he was over Nerezza. She punched him in the jaw; the sound carrying all the way to Charlie’s ears. Though Cethen’s jaw looked to be out of place, but he stayed above her. But suddenly, he was jerked off by something unknown. He landed with a thump in front of Nerezza as she stood up, wiping the blood from her lip. “Unlike you, I’m not afraid to use my abilities,” she jeered. But with a kick of Cethen’s leg underneath her’s, she was brought back to the ground. “Unlike you, I can do things myself.” Nerezza growled and jumped up. But Cethen was not her target. Charlie’s neck nearly dislocated with her collarbone as her hair was once again snatched back by Nerezza’s hand. “Move and she’s dead.”