Devil in My View.


“Honey, get that box, will you?” My mother nodded her head toward one of the many boxes that crowded the kitchen. “It has all of my good china in it, and it’s about to tip.”

“Okay.” I sighed, picking up the box. I nearly toppled over at how heavy it was. “Are you sure this is it?” I asked, heaving it over to her.

“Yes, I am pretty sure.” She responded, mocking my tone. I left her to unpack the dishes, finding a couple of my own boxes and dragging them into my room. My dad had already unpacked my bed and my desk, so I had to find the rest. In one box, I found my bed supplies. In another, I found all of my electronics. I unpacked as much as I could. By the time I was finished, my room looked halfway decent.


I looked at the door to find Summer standing there. She was weird that way. She never said knock, knock.
Only knock. “What is it?” I asked, slightly irritated.

“Geez, somebody’s crabby. Anyway, mom said dinner is here. She ordered Chinese.” Without another word she left. I guess that I had spent more time unpacking than I thought. I followed her lead, finding the kitchen table and chairs had been put together.

“Come on, sport. Sit down and eat.” He signaled with a hand before digging into one of the boxes. I took my seat at the table, officially feeling the impact of the move. This house was foreign to me, as was the town. Everything has changed.
After dinner I hooked up my computer and attempted to log into the internet. Of course, our connection wasn’t up yet so I couldn’t do that. Feeling like an idiot, I banged my head on the edge of the desk. Maybe if I did it long enough I would pass out, and then this would all be over.

“Hey, you know I could just take a frying pan and do it, right? Half the work and better results.”
I looked up, eyebrows raised in shock. I always knew that Summer was violent, and yet every time she threatened my life I still felt shocked.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that.” She giggled before jumping onto my bed.

“Get out of my room.” I told her, shooting a glare in her direction.


I took a deep breath before turning away. “Okay.”

“Okay? That’s it? Big bro, what is wrong with you? Normally you throw me out of the room.”

“Normally, yes. But tonight I just don’t feel like it.”


We sat in silence for a while, me staring at the background on my computer and Summer doing whatever Summer does. After a while she spoke.

“This town is kind of creepy.”

“How would you know? We’ve only been here a couple of times. And the people here are friendly enough. Or, at least, the ones we’ve met.” Which would technically be one or two. But I wasn’t about to mention that, for fear of losing the argument.

“I don’t know. It just feels…weird.” I turned to see her looking at me with a confused look on her face.

“Ah, you’re just being paranoid.” I replied, waving her off. “It’s probably nothing…or it could be the five egg rolls you ate.”

“Hey, I was hungry!” She whined, pouting at me.

“Haha, tubby. Now, get out of my room. Don’t make me do it for you.”

“You’re so mean sometimes Kameron!” She said, emphasizing my name.

“I know that. Now get out of my room, Summer.” I said, mocking her tone.

For once she left on her own. I went back to my computer and opened a word document. I would document anything that happened here. When Summer said that the town felt weird, I knew what she was talking about. But being the coward that I am, I waved it off instead of admitting to it. Maybe I would find solace in an empty word document. In the beginning, I hoped for an empty page. It was too much to hope for. The first item appeared sooner than I expected.
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