Devil in My View.


The park used to be such a happy place; children laughing and playing until their faces turned blue. The swings were always occupied and there were constant arguments about who should use the sliding board next.

Anastasia loved to come to the park and swing on the swing while Mom and Dad were at work. I would walk with her and push her on the swings, higher and higher until she squealed for me to stop. My sister and I were ten years apart but we got along and I guess we were lucky in that sense. The rivalry was to a minimum and it made our parents happy.

The park was a few feet away from our house, practically in our backyard. It was nice to hear the liveliness of the park every day. It was nice to hear the kids screaming and having a good time. The park used to be full of life. Keywords: used to be.

Now the park is dead. No one comes to the park anymore. Parents stopped letting their kids come and some people even moved away, including my family. Mom and Dad took Anastasia and moved far away, in hopes of forgetting the events at the park.

The events, however, spread like wildfire in a small town like ours. It would go down in history for the next decade or even longer. Nothing ever happened like this in such a smalltown. Everybody knew everybody; our town was safe.

I'd like to believe that everything happens for a reason but I don't believe it does. What happened at that park on July 15th, 2004 was not a gift from God but rather a curse from Satan himself.

I was only seventeen.
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Woo. It's short but :3.
Anastasia is his little sister if you hadn't caught on.
Let us know what you think? c;