Devil in My View.


Many people pass the park every day; very few actually look at it. I'm sure everybody is content pretending that nothing happened, that the child simply abandoned the park for somewhere else. They didn't want to believe the utter horror of the truth. They didn't want to believe that parents were banning their children from there, a place where I'm sure many of them used to play.

I would love to pretend that the beautiful, sunny day in July six years ago never fucking existed. I would love to be able to see my parents and Anastasia. I would love to be able to laugh with my friends, to party with them at college. But I never got that chance and I never will, all because I was naïve. All because I was stupid.

I watched across the street as I sat down on of the swings. An unfamiliar boy was slowly walking out the door of my old house. I glared hard, trying to figure out why someone was in my house and why they seemed totally at ease. Perhaps someone new had moved in and yet to hear the stories.

I looked at the boy a bit more, trying to figure him out a little. He looked young, about fifteen or sixteen and had dark hair. I couldn't tell what his eyes looked like but I imagined they were a darker shade of brown, maybe a dark green. I prayed that he wouldn't share the same fate I did, I prayed they'd leave before school started for some odd reason and never look back on this town.

Suddenly the boy looked up and his eyes met mine. I stared straight ahead, trying to figure out whether he could see more or not. I watched his head turn sideways and realized that I was completely visible to him. I felt my eyes grow wide and he started to walk towards me.

I backed away and watched as his mouth dropped open. I sighed to myself as he walked off quickly. I probably scared the shit out of him, just like he had frightened me. No one has ever seen me here, not a damn person but now, some boy I don't know, can see me?

How could this possibly get any worse?
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I've been away on vacation. Sorry for the lack of update. >___>
I'm back now and getting back into writing. :)
I hope you like this! I'm so excited to keep it alive! Comment and sub?