I Don't Need Your Dumb Love


Its a hard time working at the movie store but when famous and very handsome Lucifer Dark comes into town, Cassandra is swept off her feet. As he cast her and her sister in the new hit series "I don't need your dumb love" she falls deeper in love with him. They become close and very dear friends. But is he leading her on or does he love her?

Knocked down again when she soon learns that he's dating her sister/Co-star Kasttella. Can she deal with seeing such a lovey dovey couple every day. Will Lucifer ever tell her its all a lie? But when his oh so charming brother Lance Dark comes to the city Cassandra soon fines love again.

But what is this secret Lance and Lucifer are hiding her? Will her sister become a dinner plate? How will she deal with learning her crush Lucifer likes her more then friend? Should she? Would she? Break up with Lance or keep play with his heart? Can Demons fall in love with humans and is it worth breaking the law they them self made?

How can she deal with this all.
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I like it very much