‹ Prequel: The Sun Makes Shadows
Status: Sequel!

There's No Dark Without Light

Is this hell?

Matt's POV-





Where was I?


Splitting pain.

I didn’t remember…

“He’s breathing!”


“Quickly. Get him-”

Get me where? I couldn’t…move.


I’m here Val!

“Come on, wake up!”

I am awake.

“Ma’am, we need you to leave.”

No! Why?

“We can’t have you in here right now. He’s-”

A long beep.

“Get her out, now!”

“That was a weird dream.” I said, sitting up. Then I realized I wasn’t in the most normal place. It was dark, and red. I couldn’t tell up from down. There were people glaring at me from where they sat on chairs.

“He’s lucky. Only a coma.” One lady croaked.

“But that means he’s stuck here.” Another replied, this one younger. “He can’t go beyond unless he truly dies. And however long he’s in the coma, that’s how long he’ll stay here.”

“Wha-Where the hell am I?”

“Well, not in hell.” I looked up to see an annoyed looking man. “Now I have to take care of you too? Matt Sanders, Mr. Bigshot.” He snorted. “You’re in the in between place, with nothing to do. Well, I shouldn’t say nothing. You, Mr., get to face your past until you wake up. This land is full of memories. You can jump in anyone you want. Good Luck.” With that he walked away.

“Wait,” I laughed. “Are you trying to tell me that I’m in, like, limbo?”

“Yeah, where else would you be?” The first lady croaked. Then her eyes brightened. “Looks like it’s time to go. Goodbye!” With that she disappeared. This place sure was weird.

And it got weirder.

I walked around for a while, to get my bearings, when I realized that the ground became carpet.

“What the-?” I gasped, before something smacked me in the head.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter! Are you guys excited? Because I am! Comment, love, subscribe.

-camillia 21