Status: Enfin.

If the Stars Found the Time

Chapter 2

“What? Where…” Elise stood, well, sat, dumbfounded by the abrupt change in her surroundings. This Scott guy had charmed her onto his bike, something that her usual self would not fall for. The environment that coalesced from about them seemed as if it were made purely of ice, delicate fissures of clear glass cynosure coating every single object in the world with spider-webs of gossamer crystal. The engine ceased its uproar and her reverence was broken by a childish giggle from her companion. Before her sanity could wisp from her brain and leave in a mass of smoke, she spoke, realizing the location’s inherent warmth.

“What?” Scott could only continue chuckling and hiding his face in his hands as if something was funny. I’ll show him funny. Slapping him lightly on the cheek, she got his attention quickly with her violence.

“Where are we, pin-head?” Laughing. Always with the laughing. What was so funny about her reaction to this place? Elise gifted him another tiny slap, which made him touch his cheek, finding it hot with the fuchsia mark of her palm. He knew she was angry; Scott should not have tested her.

“We’re on the fifth Untitled Planet in the Silent Systems,” Her eyebrows rose in conjuncture with the oddball statement, “It’s a post-modern Lewis Thayer thing.” Her luxurious vineyard owning father having bought a Lewis Thayer Untitled, she knew the reference. That was when she realized that he said ‘planet.’

“Planet?” The smirking he was doing then was just another form of his laughing at her. Scott was… infuriating to say the least. His small-toothed smile was always present, his tiny giggle with little reverberations of high-pitched tones behind it that contrasted with his medium toned vocals. The motorbike man’s cadence was always smooth, like he was ready to sing, but always jumpy and distracted, like he was prepared to get on his toes and run for the hills.

“Planet.” He said with definition, hand stroking his motor, “This is Jean. She travels through time and space, well, I do. It’s my power, inside her.” That was not pompous at all. Pride worked on him, though, his tanned skin teeming with life and vibrancy in the white light of the planet.

“So, you can travel through time and space.” His face pulled in a tight smile as he realized she was getting it. More like nut-shelling it, but that was beside the point. She thought about being forward thinking with this new man. The last had cheated on her and used her bed for it. This guy was not yet making an actual move on her, but it was bound to happen. Oh well, she had burned her bridges, she could cut the cord and go with this man. They could be something.

“If you can travel through time and space, we could do this forever, couldn’t we?” His eyes narrowed, and he started the bike, speaking in tandem with their travel to some new place.

“You don’t even know me, Little Miss Cynic.” They entered the time vortex or whatever place they went when they were transitioning to a different place. The other side was a wonderful garden, straight from a fairy tale set in the 1800s.

“I want to know you.” Parking the bike, they walked towards some sunset in a brand new place, knowing that the rosy light they experienced then was the same sun that shone on them where they first met.

“I want to know you too,” he responded after some time. Their smiles lit up the now-darkened navy sky and from then on they knew they could never tire of each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Obviously a very quick romance. BUT JULNOWRIMO IS IN 8 MINUTES!!!!!