Mystery Boy

Family Chat: The Beginning.

"That's a detention, Ms. Tollefson," Mr. Dunoir spoke as I walked in and took my seat, ignoring the looks from the rest of the class and the disgusted look from Chelsea Hormig.

I took my seat and pulled out my notebook to jot down the notes that the teacher had up on the board. The class raged on while the teacher talked about the book that we would be reading.

As the teacher passed out copies of a book I'd never heard of, I caught the gaze of Charlie Hormig, who had a sly grin on his face as his twin sister bit her pen and then ran her fingers through her black hair.

When I got my book, the cover read "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and when I flipped it over my eyes scanned over the words on the back I realized that this might actually be interesting. I liked the thought of reading about someone selling their soul for eternal youth and beauty. I had always liked really philosophical ideas and books, and as I turned to the front page, I grinned, letting myself begin to get lost among the world that Oscar Wilde created.

"Airea, please continue that at home. I have more to explain," Mr. Dunoir said as he walked past, pushing the cover of the book closed and completely losing my place.

I rolled my eyes as I set the book on the corner of my beige colored desk. The rest of the class dragged by slowly. The whole time I was pretending that I didn't see the snotty looks I was getting from Chelsea and the knowing smiles from her brother.

When the bell rang I hurried out of the room, past Chelsea and her friends who had accumulated in the hallway. I met up with Jacky near the first lockers and took his hand in mine, heading off towards my second hour.

After the first few classes, the day flew past. Jacky ended up driving a ticked off Ronnie and I home. Ronnie sat in the back seat with his arms folded over his chest when he found out that I was letting Jacky drive my car, even though I would only let him sit in it.

When we pulled into my driveway I scooted forward as Ronnie pushed the seat up and climbed out, heading to his room and leaving Jacky and I alone.

I didn't feel like this was a new relationship. Even though it had barely been official for one day. "I'll be over later," I told him as we climbed out of the car.

As I walked over to the driver's side of the car my father yelled out of the front door. "Get in the house, Airea," he called, obviously thinking that I was heading to Ronnie's.

I rolled my eyes and leaned up to kiss Jacky's cheek before offering him a smile and turning around to march myself back to the small house.

"When the boys get home we're having a family meeting."

"Whatever," I replied as I made my way to the bedroom. Realizing that it was just Dad and I in the house. Ina must have been picking up Easton and Taite.

I tossed myself down onto the bed next to Charming and buried my face in his fur as he woke from his nap and licked my arm. I moved to rest my head on my pillow and pet his soft fur.

Everyone else got home between 20 and 30 minutes later and my father yelled my name loudly from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and climbed up from the bed, watching as Charming jumped off of the bed and followed after me, his muzzle bumping into the back of my legs.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen and folded my arms when everyone looked up to me. "You called me," I stated, looking at them pointedly.

Dad nodded and pointed to an empty chair between Easton and Decklan. I rolled my eyes and plopped down in the chair. "What's this all about?" I asked while I rested my elbows on the table.

Dad and Ina shared a look. Then Dad looked back up to me. "We want to talk about Kelley coming, first."

I nodded, "Okay, she'll be here as soon as we buy the ticket."

"There's a lot going on right now, Airea," my dad said while shaking his head.

I folded my arms over my chest. "I already told her she could come."

"Well tell her she can't."

I rolled my eyes and kept my mouth closed, my lips pressed together firmly as Decklan asked why the boys had to be present for this little spat.

That was when my father took Ina's hand and smiled at her gently before turning back to the rest of us. "Ina's pregnant."

My skin prickled all over and immediately tears welled in my eyes. I willed them to go away and hissed under my breath when one warm, angry tear hit my cheek. I felt like every nerve in my body was going haywire, but I couldn't move. I was frozen into place.

My mind didn't understand the word. What did this mean? A baby?
My parents weren't even completely divorced yet. Dad would be flying out on Monday to fill out the paper work and submit it to the court while deciding who would get what, besides me. I was already decided on.

I didn't understand how the two of them could think that bringing another baby into this house could be a good idea. Where would it sleep?

It made no sense to me. It wouldn't work. There was no room and I knew that this was not a time for a child. This was a whole different word that I had been thrown into. Before, I was always raised on "sex after marriage" and the rules of my society. Now I was living on take out food, almost step-brothers, and a hopefulness that it would get better.

I realized as Decklan, Easton, and Taite congratulated Ina and Dad, that it had gotten better with my father's return, just not for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys.
I've had a pretty bad day.
Nothing bad happened, but I can feel depression sinking back into my bones.
I want to tell my mom that I want the medication that the doctor offered me, but I think she's already tried to forget that there's something wrong with me.

I feel like if I bring it up again, she'll be mad.

So I'm just going to see how long I can hold back the feelings, the tears, and the numbness and hope it fades rather then causes me to explode, again.

I hoped you liked the chapter. Comment?