Status: Ongoing

Uriel's Machine


“Enjoy war – Because peace will be terrible” German saying.

I can sense him; I can sense every fiber of his existence and it vibrates through my soul and vessel. Panic and pain crosses my face as I look at my creation: incomplete, lifeless and useless. I was no good, I was never any good even as a child I was a nuisance.

- Come.
- I don’t wish to do so.
- I said, come.
- Please no…
- Don’t make this harder than it already is love, it’s not worth it.
- It was never worth it, was it?

He stays silent and grins that horrible toothed grin, all sharp teeth and satisfaction. He has claws now and they are ridiculously sharp as they dig into my sides and pull me away from it. My creation, my life, all my hard work… He destroys it with a finger snap. And I stare in a mixture of awe and horror at such a display of power, I just hang limp in his grasp exhaling heavily. As I said: I am, was and always will be a nuisance so I don’t really blame him when steel contacts with my skull and my mind goes blank.

- It was worth it. But only for me little one; the final goal was you all along.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a short taste of present Uriel. We will not be seeing him for a while after this.