Heaven's Melody


Once upon a time, there was a girl.

She was pretty but not too pretty and lived in a nice house with nice parents and a dog named Sugar. She loved her dog, more than her daddy and hated the cat. She was allergic, but daddy didn’t care. His name was Razzy and he was all grey, with one spot of black on his neck.

She was a good girl. She wasn’t The Teenager, the stereotypical one who drank and smoked and fucked and partied. She studied; biology was her favorite and history her best, and wished and prayed every night to get out of Ohio. She wanted to travel south, go to college, go to Vet School and then work with the animals of the sea. She wasn’t allergic to those.

She worked too. A lifeguard, although daddy hadn’t wanted her to be one. Daddy said it was indecent to wear only a swimsuit in front of men. She did it anyways. Eight dollars and hour, not much but it was something. With some loans, college wouldn’t just be a far away dream.

She never had a boyfriend. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t liked. She had brown hair and blue eyes and the height of a model. She was awkward, though, and quiet. That’s why a boy never played a stereo outside her window. She was too shy.

One day she was shopping, for a sparkly, purple homecoming dress.

The next day, she was dead.

But that happens to everyone, right? You live and then you die. It’s just that simple.
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New story. Tell me whatcha think. :)

Random fact that I'm super proud of myself for- both cloud pictures were taken by me and not stolen off the internet. I literally think clouds are the only subject I can take pics of, every time I shoot a person their head is missing. And you can totally see my camera in the background. Whatever.

Song: Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op4n0pGQ3F4