Status: In Progress.

This War's Not Over.

Where Memory Stops, an Escape Begins.

Much has happened the last few days, none of which I'm particularly wanting to talk about, but, we'll just put in short that once again, my life has been put on the line, in the sling, what have you. In short: I was up shit creek again and well, didn't have a paddle. This relates to what I'm about to discuss with the whole of internetland, fans and haters alike, because I need your help.

I never really spoke much about Dallas and with good reason. I don't particularly like talking about various life-threatening occurrences and this was a big one. I was never bitten once. I've been bitten twice and the second time actually happened in Dallas. Since I had already failed to turn, I had no idea what my blood would do to a vampire let alone a subsider (we'll just say I've recently discovered that subsiders explode into not-so-subtle chunks of flesh instead of the ever lovely chunks of flaming ash. Note the above annotation involving shit creek and no paddle). Well, someone in Dallas a few years ago got me a second time.

I wasn't exactly thinking of others at the time and went into self-preservation mode which means I ran. Now, I'm not entirely sure what happened to that poor fuck who bit me but as a friend of mine nudged me in this direction, I'm a little curious as to what happened to them. So, I'm reaching out.

If you know who it was or are that person themselves and are reading this, I would really appreciate you getting into contact with me. I'll be lurking the internet the next few days and we can set up a meeting place.

Until next time, Internet, I'm Eve and I'm the last of my kind.

Several hours after she had made the post, Evie fended off verbal attacks from John, Jared and Garrett, and had explained to Rafe what was going on. Rafe seemed to take everything in stride and acted as ever the supportive brother, also curious as to what had happened. It wasn't long after that she received a ping on her computer through the messaging service on her blog and immediately opened the screen. Kenny was still driving, dividing his attention between her and the road and he subtly asked to be kept in the loop about what was going on.

rizonk: Hey, I might be the kid you're actively hunting for. Details are really fucking fuzzy though and I'm not sure if you remember it that clearly either.

lastofmykind: What all do you remember? Because my details are rather fuzzed out as well. It was like 900 degrees in the middle of the fucking night and I was both exhausted and dehydrated. Add fear of God into the mix and hey! what happened? you know?

rizonk: Very pretty brunette, kaleidoscope eyes, lots and lots of hunger. I remember her blood tasted kind of funny, almost too watery and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the middle of the street at noon and not catching on fire.

lastofmykind: Where are ya? We need to meet up and discuss things in person. I can say way more to your face than I can over the internet.

rizonk: Phoenix, ma'am. I think I know where you live, but, you're kind of surrounded by vampires day in and day out and I really don't want to be eaten. Again.

lastofmykind: None in the vicinity for a least a day or so. If you can bring food, we'll worship you. Kenny and I are on our way home from a disaster of a road trip and are rather hungry. I'll see you in about 13 hours.

Logging off, she filled Kenny in on the details and took over driving for a while to let him sleep. Anxiously, she drummed her hands on the steering wheel and let an Incubus acoustic session float through the stereo, nervously awaiting what she was going to find once she arrived home. Dodging questions from Garrett and company was going to be one thing, but keeping everyone safe was going to be a different challenge entirely.
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short chapter, but it's important. I'm going to let everyone guess who the vampire from Dallas is before all is revealed in my next update.