Status: fin.

Love Like Winter

twenty two;

For the past twenty minutes Davidson had been on the phone. It had started buzzing about halfway through his mad scheming phase as he Aiden and Lucas all sat around his workbench and chatted. They talked quietly so that Aurora couldn’t hear but she was too annoyed with everyone to care. They wouldn’t let her outside for fear that Isabelle would be waiting for her—and they wouldn’t let her in on the plan. So there was truly nothing left for her to do but sit and mope.

But after the tenth time his phone went off Davidson realized how important it might be and finally answered. He had wandered off into the kitchen muttering heatedly into the phone, which left Aurora alone with Aiden and Lucas who sat quietly and quite awkwardly together.

Aurora realized this was the first time the two had actually sat down side by side since Lucas had been exiled. She sat forward as her blood teemed with interest at what would happen next.

Lucas was staring out one of the windows, his hands folded together as his brow furrowed. Aiden however was leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed with his eyes constantly flickering to Lucas. “I’m sorry,” he finally grunted and Aurora jumped with how sudden the words were.

Glancing at the man next time, Lucas couldn’t help but quirk a smile. “You’re only saying that because you think you know what I’m going through,” he said. The words were harsh but his tone was light as he spoke them. He sat up straight and faced Aiden. “You think because you risk being exiled from your pack and possibly hunted down that you truly understand what happened to me.”

“You think that I don’t?” Aiden said, his tone defensive as he too sat up straight. Aurora’s eyes widened as she realized things were definitely about to get heated. It was almost as though they had completely forgotten her presence as well as Davidson’s.

“I know you don’t.”

“Well why don’t you tell me then, Luke. I haven’t been allowed to even speak to you since you were exiled.”

“You could’ve found a way if you really wanted to,” Lucas growled in return. Aurora almost wanted to laugh—it was like they were high school lovers bickering about one another not texting the other over the summer.

“Tell me,” Aiden said, his voice gentler as he also softened his gaze.

“You don’t know how I feel, Aiden. Because you don’t love her. She’s just a cute girl that you went with a swim with—you don’t feel anything but friendship for her. I loved Jenna. I had to watch her die and then I was shunned by everyone that I thought I could trust, including you—you were supposed to be my brother.”

As Lucas spoke Aurora suddenly found herself wanting to go to him. To comfort him in some way but like he had said…none of them knew her. She was just some cute girl that happened to get caught up in a very big mess. She should’ve been mad at how they spoke of her but really she just felt sorry for the two of them.

“I never realized…”

“Exactly, so you don’t know what I’m feeling.”

The two fell back into an awkward silence and that’s when Davidson came into the room. He clicked his cellphone off and looked at it with a lifted eyebrow. “Always amazes me that I get reception in this place,” he muttered more to himself than to the others.

“Who was on the phone?” Aurora snapped irritably. Davidson looked at her in surprise but immediately rolled his eyes and faced the boys.

“That was Forelli. He told me that Isabelle hasn’t gone to the council and she more than likely won’t be going any time soon. Her story won’t be backed and more likely she’ll come off as a raving lunatic and be discarded as Beta,” Davidson spoke tiredly, scratching his head.

“That’s a good thing though isn’t it?” Aurora said, not understanding their continued distraught looks.

“Yes and no,” Aiden muttered.

“It’s a good thing because Aiden doesn’t have to worry about being exiled—but we still have to worry about Isabelle. She’s not going to be satisfied with that so she’ll want revenge in her own way,” Davidson grumbled. “That girl is a wild card.”

“What does that mean? Is she going to go find some hot piece of human to cheat on you with?” Aurora joked, still not understanding their dark gazes.

“No,” Lucas said. “It means she’s going to be coming for you.”