Status: fin.

Love Like Winter

twenty four;

Aurora watched helplessly as the woods crashed around her. Leaves and branches smacking her in the face in the stomach all while the claws of the wolf dragging her dug into her chest. Finally when they stopped and she was hurled into a tree, collapsing to the ground, could she catch her breath. Her chest had eight neat puncture wounds where the claws had dug into her, blood stained the shirt she wore but maybe the adrenaline coursing through her veins was keeping it from hurting.

Just in front of her she could see the path they had come and the wolf that had grabbed her standing over her. Only it was no longer a wolf. It was Isabelle. She was naked and her eyes were a bright luminescent orange, her nails still long and razor sharp, her mouth full of teeth sharp as needles. Her naked chest heaved as she stared at Aurora, nothing but hatred in her eyes.

In that moment, Aurora knew she was going to die. All the fear that had been locked away in the back of her mind while she anticipated Isabelle’s return came flooding into her throat and her stomach and she let out a strangled breath. She didn’t know what to say or what exactly to do but stay there, her head spinning, as she propped herself against the tree.

“You fucking bitch,” Isabelle said finally, her speech slightly warped by the teeth crowding her mouth.

Just as soon as it had appeared the fear was gone and annoyance had taken its place.

“Excuse me?” Aurora said, scrambling to sit straighter. Her legs may not be able to hold her just yet but she would not cower if she could help it. “I’m the bitch?”

“Obviously,” Isabelle said, her eyebrows, which were perfectly shaped, arched quizzically. “You think you can just come here and steal my mate. Steal everything I’ve worked for.”

“Oh my god, you really are insane,” Aurora groaned, leaning her head back on the trunk of the tree. Calling an insane person insane was probably not the smartest decision she’d ever made because it earned her a harsh slap right across the face.

“The only reason you’re still breathing is because I want to rip out your heart where he can see it,” Isabelle hissed, her face much closer to Aurora’s then was necessary.

“If you had even bothered to ask questions rather than assuming everything you would know that I literally have no interest in your mate,” Aurora said, her voice coming out in a croak.

“Is that why you were swimming with him in my territory?”

Aurora sighed. Well if there was ever a time to come clean about anything now would be the time. After a moment of deliberation she pulled herself even straighter and looked the she-wolf dead in the eye. “First of all, there’s no sign that said Isabelle’s territory so how the hell would I have known. Second of all, Aidan doesn’t have a dog tag that says he’s a werewolf and is the mate to you. Third of all, I was definitely not trying to steal your stupid mate because I don’t swing that way you stupid bitch,” Aurora said, the words coming out and tumbling over one another.

“Excuse me?” Isabelle said. “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that I am gay. I like other women. I do not like men. Now either kill me or let me go home because I am so not in the mood to play this game anymore.”

Startled, Isabelle stood up straight, her eyes wide. Appearing out of the shadows, just as naked as Isabelle were Lucas and Aidan and really this was just getting out of hand.

“Oh.” Isabelle said, glancing wide eyed at Aidan beside her. “Well. That’s my bad then.”

“You think?”

“You’re gay?” Aidan said, frowning. “Why didn’t you say anything before? I never would have—“

“This is not something that needs to be announced. Dear lord this place is a hell hole,” Aurora grumbled and finally stood up. “Are you going to kill me or not?” Aurora said, directing her glare at Isabelle.

Eyes still wide and bright, Isabelle shook her head.

“Good. I’m going home. I don’t want to see any of you ever again. Good day.”

And with that Aurora went home told her Uncle Davidson that she was totally not going to live with him anymore and went back home to her mom where she came out. Suddenly her anger issues made sense and her mom literally told her she was an idiot for keeping it hidden for so long. To which her response was “it took a pack of werewolves to get met to do it, so trust me, I know.”

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not even sorry.