‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: Hiatus


e l e v e n

“So did you see that game on TV last night?”

I asked questions as usual, and Henry didn’t reply as usual.

“Yeah? I did too, thanks for asking” I mumbled the last bit.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I buried my head into my hands. I’m not even back here doing this. I was offered the option to change ‘buddies’ but it felt a little wrong. I felt like I was giving up on someone that I shouldn’t but honestly, I’m getting nowhere. Bringing my head up, I used my hands to heave myself of the wooden chair.

“I’ll be right back,” I informed him.

I spun my head around, looking for a certain brown haired boy sporting a gray beanie. Deciding it was the best strategy; I looked for a huddle of people knowing that he would most likely be in the centre of it.

And there he was wearing a Pikachu shirt and a cheesy smile. I could tell by all the exaggerated hand gestures he was probably telling them some sort of a story. I smiled as I watched him. He looked so into it, so happy, they all did.

Guy’s must have some sort of radar that as long as they’re close by they can tell if they’re being talked or thought about. He looked up towards me, catching my eye and flashed me a grin.

Quickly finishing off whatever he was saying, he walked to me.


“Hey” I said back, a small smile playing on my lips. Of course I realized this was probably like a cliché scene out of a movie.

“Where were you?”

“Why? Did you miss me?” I teased, dragging out the ‘miss’.

“I-uh, no, I mean um ye-uh” He stumbled, a light rose colouring his cheek.

I think that was the cutest thing I had ever seen. He had his hands jammed into the pockets of
his dark denim jeans, avoiding eye contact.

Stifling a laugh, I finally put him out of his misery, “I was kidding Sky! I had detention.”

“Sky? Wait- detention? Why?” He exclaimed.

“Relax,” I told him, rolling my eyes, “I had a late night and fell asleep in my class. Not very appreciated by my teacher but yeah” I finished lamely.




Apparently, some sort of work emergency came up with my Dad so my Mum ended up having to pick me up; probably not the best thing ever. I normally wouldn’t mind but she seems to be uncannily perceptive.

I had been waiting on the steps with Skylar again. He was actually really funny. And really sweet. And really cool to talk to. He was in the middle of telling me a story about his friend when a car honked.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s my mum.”

“It’s no problem, bye”

“Wait, Sky. Type in your number.” I ordered, thrusting the phone at him.

He looked a little hesitant but did so anyways.

“There” He announced, handing it back to me.

I grinned brightly, “Cool, I’ll text you or something later. Bye”

He gave me a four finger wave.

It had only been exactly three minutes and twenty seconds since I had got into the car when she asked, “So, who was the boy?” She tried to make her voice as nonchalant as possible but you could hear the underlying curiosity.

“No one Mum” I replied flatly.

“No one ay? I didn't know people flirted with ‘no ones’ ”

“He’s a friend.”

“That you like” It didn’t even sound like a question.

“No. He’s just a friend and we were talking”

“Is that what you kids call it these days? That didn’t just look like talking to me, honey”

“Of course it didn’t” I muttered.

“I’m just saying. I’m your mum, you know you can tell me anything.”

I groaned, banging my head against the car seat.

“Don’t do that Camille, you’ll lose brain cells” She quipped.

“”Whatever, can we just drop it?”

“Fine.” She agreed, reluctantly.
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I just had a brilliant daay :) well no, but it was really good. and i have free time so here i am!