‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: Hiatus


t w e l v e

Let’s hang out.

What exactly do those three words mean? Is that like an “I’m so bored, entertain me” or an “I really want to see you again but I don’t want to come on too strong”? If there’s a happy face at the end of that does that mean it’s a friendly thing? And if there’s no question mark does that mean he’s just going to turn up to my house? How do you say no to these kinds of things without sounding like a bitch? Would I wait ‘til he gets here and tell him I’m really sorry and have other plans? Should I text him back?

People might say this is a typical teenage girl moment where something simple has been over-complicated- but it’s not. There’s a very fragile cycle to these things. Rejection with an excuse usually leads to a second asking; becoming friends complicates the next rejection because this time you have a friendship to lose.

Growing a pair, I finally picked up my phone and texted back; Hey Wyatt, I’m really sorry but I already had plans today. How about tomorrow?


“You should have seen your face!” Skylar exclaimed in between his obnoxious laughs.

“I don’t like zombie movies, okay?” I said defensively. It was true, I had a particularly strong
hate towards them.

“I could tell.”


He just gave me one of those cheesy grins and adjusted his beanie.

We had just come out of the cinema hall so the smell of popcorn, nacho’s and random confectionary was floating by. Despite his terrible choice in movie, it was a really fun date

“So, what now?” I asked, curiously.


Apparently we are on our way to a park in which we’re meeting one of Sky’s friends.
The park was nothing great. The playground was run down and it sported that abandoned feel to it.

“Hey! I know this place,” I told him.

“Do you?” He asked with a frown.

“Yeah, there’s a Fostering House somewhere near here. I remember I’d always want to take a look inside whenever we passed it.” I said is a wistful manor.

Skylar didn’t respond after that. We walked towards a silhouette on the climbing frame in

“We’re here.” He said, obviously feeling necessary to state this. I was going to make a smart-ass comment but someone else had already beaten me to it.

“I’m aware.”

“Going to come down?”



I was beyond confused at the banter between Skylar and this ‘mysterious voice’ but the thing that was itching at me was that it sounded familiar.

There was a thud, alerting us that the unknown person had decided to join his fellow earthlings on the earth.

I could finally see the face and it was all I needed to realize I did know him.

“Small world, eh?” A certain Pierre Logan smirked.

“You?” Disbelief came oozing out of the single word.

“You two know each other?” This time it was Skylar’s turn to be confused.

“Not really.” I replied nonchalantly.

“I’m hurt. I thought we were friends.” He was mocking me now, placing a hand on his heart for
a bigger emphasis.

“Not on your life, Frenchie.”

He just grinned in return. I can see why the two of them are friends now.
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So i'm back? Maybe. that depends on the response i get , i guess. I had to delete my last chapter 12 because it was utterly terrible and rushed. Enjoy :)