‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: Hiatus


t w o

I was told that I needed to talk to the people here and just give them company. I tried to protest, saying that I’m not exactly the best of company but I was waved off as if I had just told a funny joke. When they realized that I wasn’t kidding and completely clueless, I was pointed towards the direction of Henry.

This was basically like high school and I was the ultimate outsider. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m just not good with old people or the Granny that’s been giving me evils for the past twenty minutes, is getting on my nerves.

“So-uh, Henry, what’s up?” I asked lamely.

Henry blinked up at me from under his thinning, grey hair while fiddling with the arms of his wheelchair but didn’t reply.

“Haven’t been doing much then?”

I chuckled awkwardly, cursing myself for not being able to teleport. Maybe I should crack a joke? I never really got old people humor though, so he’s probably not going to get young people humor.

“Watched any new movies lately?” I tried again, earning a small smile from him this time.
Though I think it’s because he pities me right now but it’s improvement.

I had a one-sided conversation for ten minutes, deciding that he just doesn’t like me when a voice finally spoke to me,

“Henry doesn’t talk much.”

“No” I drawled out, “Thank you for enlightening me, oh-smart-one.” I turned to see who the genius was. It was a brown haired boy who looked to be around the same age as me. He was
sporting a grey beanie and a wide grin.

“Just thought you should know.”

“Well gee, thanks for your consideration.”

“Anytime” His deep, blue eyes winked at me before he walked off leaving me to be.

“I don't appreciate my sarcasm being ignored, you know” I called.

No response.



It’s safe to say I gave up after a while and just sat back and listened to the clock mock me with
every tick. Drumming my fingers along my thigh, I observed everyone albeit they weren’t actually doing anything particularly interesting.

They should be wheel chair racing or fencing with their walking canes but no, they’re satisfied with eating their tapioca pudding. I watched as the brown haired boy managed to charm the group with him. You could almost hear the ladies gushing about ‘what a darling he is’ all the
way from across the room. It was nauseating, really.

What I didn’t get was how he was so good at this? They’re all hanging off every word he’s saying and it doesn’t even look like he’s trying. He gets the laughing, cupcakes and rainbow bunch while I get forever-holding-his-peace Henry, how is that fair?

I wasn’t in a very pleasant mood for the rest of the day but I sulked in silence. My ‘buddy’ seemed to have rubbed off on me. I sat outside on the entrance steps and waited for Dad to pick me up.

He was fifteen minutes late. This was definitely not my day. I’m not sure how long it was before the black Hummer finally pulled into the parking lot but it looked just as out of place as
I did.

“How was your first day?” Dad asked, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

“Don’t even.” I glared.

I was thankful for Greenday drowning out his failed attempts to not laugh. It’s nice to know my father finds my pain amusing.
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I had to re write this cause i wasn't happy with the first version.
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