‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: Hiatus


f o u r

“So, uh Henry; how was your day?” I asked, awkwardly smiling at him. He just gave me another one of his blank stares. I fiddled with the navy skirt of my school uniform.

“Not that great then?” I guessed. If it wasn’t for all the chatter surrounding us, you could’ve heard a ‘chirp, chirp’.

“Right,” I said, patting the leg of my chair, “I’m just going to go get a drink.”

I let out a sigh and walked to the little water cooler in the corner. This was almost as productive as waiting for Ice to melt in a freezer. Slightly irritated, I crouched down, shoving the cold-water knob a tad bit too hard apparently. It fell off, leading to a mini water explosion. It was nothing severe but the sudden jolts of water spraying out was enough to soak the front of my shirt.

“Ugh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” I muttered, furiously. Though someone seemed to find my misfortune amusing. I heard a low chuckle from behind me. Whipping my head around, I saw the brown-haired boy with his cheeks scrunched up and his hand over his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter.

I glared at him, daring him to laugh out loud.

“I-uh-um…sorry?” He tried, giving me a sheepish grin.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel and marched back to where I was sitting, the thirst forgotten.

“I’m Skylar”, He yelled after me, unfortunately drawing more eyes towards me than necessary.


I sat back down into the wooden chair, facing Henry, for another one-sided conversation.
I was about to start when I realized he’s staring at me. He usually stares but only after I talk, otherwise his attention drifts to basically everything else.

I gave him a questioning glance. I would’ve just shrugged it off as a casual thing but I noticed the disapproving glances I was getting.

Most people had turned away as a couple minutes passed but the Receptionist Guy was still staring, full on with an almost… hungry look? Someone cleared their throat above me, looking up I saw it was brown haired boy Skylar.

“Can I help you?”

He scratched the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable.

“I was going to outside for a breather, come with me?” He mumbled.

“Uh, sure?” It came out sounding more like a question.


There was a slight breeze, throwing around a few small strands of my hair. I looked over at Skylar who seemed to be having an internal debate, his hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans.

“Any reason we’re out here or are we just enjoying the scenery?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

“Yeah, about that…” He said trailing off for a few moments, “Remember when you broke the cooler tap?” There was a slight smile, playing on his lips but disappeared soon after.

“How could I not?” I muttered.

“Well, uh remember how you soaked your shirt?” He asked, back to looking uncomfortable.

“Yes?” I replied, not really sure where this was going.

He gave me an incredulous look, hoping I would understand what he meant.

“Your white shirt…”

“Ye-Oh crap.” I suddenly got what he was trying to convey. The cooler might not have released enough water for a tidal wave but it was definitely enough to make my white shirt go see through, revealing my neon green bra.

I groaned, “This is not my day.” I looked down and saw that it was pretty bad, no wonder the Reception Guy was being creepy.

“Here.” Suddenly, all I could see was black. I pulled the object away from my face to see that it was Skylar’s blue flannel top. This time catching his drift a lot quicker, I put it on, buttoning it up all the way.


“Anytime, I guess?”

Swallowing my pride, I held out my hand, “I’m Camille Quinton.”


“No last name?” I joked.

“Not really.”

He pulled back his hand offering me a slight smirk and went back inside.


Contrary to the my luck all day, Dad actually got here on time to pick me up,

“Hey Darling, how was it?”

“Pretty bad.” I admitted, “But I think it’s going to get better.”

“Yeah? Well that’s good.”

I hummed along to the radio, leaning my head against the window.

“You know, I don’t remember you liking guy clothes.”

“I don’t?” I asked confused.

“Maybe it’s just me but it seems like the top your wearing isn’t one I would find in the women’s section.”

My eyes widened in realization. Curses for being so slow today, I couldn’t even think of a quick excuse so I had to go with the truth.

About fifteen minutes, three snorts, and endless laughter later, we were home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys
This was meant to come out a couple days ago but stuff came up...
So firstly, i want to thank RedRidingHood, Preston and sarcastichedgehog for being amazing :)
And, you finally found out what myster boy's name was. Though you could've checked the character page :P
Hope you liked the chapter, any kind of feedback is appreciated!