‹ Prequel: Dear God
Status: Hiatus


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Contrary to my luck lately, I managed to make it through the rest of the weekend incident-free. Cue the cheer soundtrack. Though, I did have to put up with Amy’s endless babble and gushing about how “cute the guy in the gray beanie was” and then she practically exploded when I told her that was Skylar.

I sat with my legs crossed on my seat, texting, in Health. That’s the thing about this class; it’s not even considered a proper subject in our school. We can basically do what we want because the teacher doesn’t really like teaching but occasionally we have to put on a show of learning so we don’t get busted.

Normally, I’d love to hear the ear-piercing shriek of the bell ringing but not today. It meant my last class of the day was over and I had to go to The Home and face everyone, specifically Skylar.


“Henry, do you ever talk?” I asked, exasperated. This was really starting to get ridiculous. A wall could be more responsive at this point!

He just shrugged, oblivious to my frustration.

I sighed, “I guess that’s progress. I’m going to go outside for a sec’.”

I sat down on the steps, bringing my knees up to my head.

“You okay?” I heard a voice behind me question.

“You stalking me?” I asked, not bothering to look back.

“Of course. I’ve got your entire schedule noted down so that I never miss you anywhere.” He
said, taking a seat beside me.

“You know that’s kind of believable. You do happen to be wherever I am a lot.” I commented.

“Please.” He snorted.

“What? You’re saying I’m not worth stalking?”

“So now you want me to stalk you? Damn. I knew you liked me.” He joked, “I mean throwing
yourself onto a table because you couldn't think clearly with me around and all…”

My jaw dropped open in surprise and I gave him a light shove. Maybe he was a little more observant than I give him credit for.

“Skylar, you comedian.” I said, sarcastically.

He laughed, silently before sobering up.

“Henry’s deaf.”

“What?” I said, taken aback by the sudden piece of information.

“A while back, he was in a car crash where he lost his family and his hearing. He already had bad hearing as it is but after the accident, it was damaged beyond repair. He can lip read but I think he gets a little confused sometimes and I don’t think he talks in general so don’t take it personally. I’ve only ever heard him talk once or twice since I’ve been here.”

My eyes were wide in surprise. Suddenly I felt guilty for being so impatient with him. I guess I forgot that there’s a reason why people were at Herbert’s and not at their own home.

“I thought you should know.” He finished.


Looking at Skylar, his lips were pursed in a tight line and he had his hands jammed into his pockets. I really didn’t know what to say to I didn’t say anything. We sat in a comfortable
silence, watching the world pass by.
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Hey, i'm sorry this is a short one. I guess you could kind of call this a filler but it does tell you more about Henry (: Comments? x