Room 253

Chapter three

Blood again. He found your guts splattered all over the bathroom tiles. He found the bed still dirty of his sweat and semen and your blood. He found you sprawled on the floor. His hands are rough on your head on your jaw. His fingers enter you again and your mouth has to be opened once more.
But he doesn’t know.
You find your wings and you’re flying. He can’t touch you. He can’t reach you.
Your eyes wander on the ceiling and then you think it would be cool to see what’s happening down there.
So you see that poor boy on the floor beaten and raped and bleeding.
You avert your eyes but the image is in front of you and you see him again and again and again.
You observe his emotionless features his vacant eyes. He is dreaming, you think, of the beach where long time ago his mother took him. He remembers the sun and the cold water. He remembers his joyful screams and the smile of his mother. He remembers running and the gentle woman pretending to catch him and eating him. He remembers the shell (so beautiful!) and the warm touch and the kisses on his forehead.
A slap on his check, harder than the others, and you are falling again.
You try desperately to hold on the ceiling but gravity pushes you on the floor.
The sun disappears and the woman’s face is melting and becomes paler and tears are running down that lovely cheeks and wash away all the heat, all the love, all the life.
Sebastian thrusts one more time and then he comes inside that trembling, smashed body.
The senses awake, the body is down, pressed against the cold floor. Your nails are digging the flesh of your palms. Your teeth hurt because they’re clenched too tight.
You are in your cage again.
His breath is heavy and dirty against my neck; his filthy sweaty hands pet my hair. I try to focus on the color of the tiles while he gets off of me. He makes me bleeding and so the pain isn’t so big. My eyes follow his feet and I see him getting up and washing his hands. I don’t move. I try to regulate my breath. He leans once more and he turns me on my back
- You’re nothing but shit.-
And I nod.
♠ ♠ ♠
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