Room 253

Chapter five

I have to get out of that place as fast as I can. His features are still in front of my eyes. The elevator takes too much time. I rush down the stairs, is only one floor but it seems eternity. I push the doors with all my strength and I fall on my knees. My hands closed to a fist, eyes shut and no oxygen to breathe. That boy, that electricity…. I need my dose. I don’t care that I’m outside and everybody can see me. I don’t care I have to drive back home. I shudder; I need to erase that boy, Sebastian’s new toy. I smirk wryly. The little one wasn’t the first. I never give a damn about these boys... I only care about my dose, my high, my escape. I didn’t give a shit for the little’s souls. I force myself on my legs. I regain my balance and then I take out my treasure. I open the bag. Electricity rushes into my veins as I look at the white substance and I wonder…an exasperated sigh out of my mouth. I angrily close that bag and put it away. It was not the same sparkle. That boy burned me. This thing is too white, too soft. He has scratched my bones and corroded my flesh. I breathe in. I need to calm down. I need to be concentrated. I need my room. I can’t bare these feelings anymore. I promised it myself long time ago. I climb into my car and I start the engine.
I am a liar. I am a perjurer.
His heat accompanies me home.
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very short and last one for today. Hope you like it.
And i know is annoying when writers ask you to comment but believe me, i's pure joy